Hello Readers!
Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. Today’s snippet is a couple of sentences later from last week.
If you missed last weeks snippet, here’s the link: Chapter 3 #19
The Wild Rose Press
Set up for the scene of Chapter 4 #1: Hyatt takes Michaela to Fiddler’s Luck for lunch. Music plays in the background and everyone from tourist to locals came in to relax at the pub. Hyatt nabs a table in the back and asks Michaela if she wants to play a game of darts.
***Note: Snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit.
Michaela couldn’t help liking Hyatt; his rich laughter proved contagious. He strode back to the bar, leaned over and pulled open a drawer to confiscate the darts.
“Hyatt,” the bartender called to him from the other end, “ye can ask politely for those, if ye doonae mind.”
“Now George, I’m only helpin’ ye out.”
“A little less help would be appreciated,” the bartender said and shook his head.
Hyatt waved him off with a grin and headed back. Women ogled him and he winked or blew a kiss as his gaze wavered over them with an appreciative eye. Oh, this man broke hearts.
Michaela is enjoying Hyatt’s company, but just wait until Alan arrives on the scene.
Like always thanks so much for stopping by. I would love to know what you thought of the snippet.
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Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
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Great descriptions, he’s certainly a man with a presence!
Hyatt certainly knows how to make himself at home. lol
Noooooo Michaela don’t fall for the bad brother !!! :'( Where is Alan. :'(
Don’t worry. Alan will be there shortly. 🙂
I feel better knowing that 😉
I really like your dialog in these snippets. The accents don’t interfere with readability, and it immediately puts me in your universe even if I’ve just bloghopped to a bunch of other story excerpts. The dialog shows how well you know these people, too. Super excerpt, as always!
Thanks so much for the lovely compliment. 🙂
A very nice 8! Well done!
Hyatt is definitely a cocky one! I wonder who’s going to win the game of darts. One of my first dates with my ex-“fiancé” involved darts, and I really surprised and impressed him when he realized I was throwing with both hands.
I’m impressed, too! 🙂
Now I’m feeling all nostalgic. Dart games can be surprisingly hot & flirty. 🙂
A casual game of darts and some great conversation. 🙂
Enjoyed the scene, really could picture it from your description – excellent excerpt!
Thanks so much!
He certainly creates a stir!
Yes, he does. 🙂
lol. He certainly does break hearts…I like him already.
I’m sure she’ll prefer Mr. Grumpy to Mr. Life of the Party . . . but I might have read ahead a bit. 😉
Read on, you’ll change your mind. 🙂
But I like Hyatt! Hyatt ftw! I love the way he just helped himself to the darts. LOL
So glad you like him. 🙂 He’s a character.