Snippet Sunday: Alan makes an appearance…@WildRosePress @KMNbooks #SpeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday

Hello Readers!

Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. Today’s snippet is a couple of sentences later from last week.

If you missed last weeks snippet, here’s the link: Chapter 4 #1

The Wild Rose Press

Set up for the scene of Chapter 4 #2: Hyatt takes Michaela to Fiddler’s Luck for lunch. Hyatt and Michaela are playing darts and Hyatt ask how she’s enjoying her visit. Michaela is speaking first.

***Note: Snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit. There was quite a bit of modifying for this one. lol


“I needed this vacation.”

Dart in his hand, Hyatt paused and looked at her, but before he could ask her why, a deep rich voice
did the honors.

“Why is that I wonder?”

Michaela’s heart stuttered and started again at the sound of Alan’s voice. Turning in her seat, she
met his gaze and wondered about the man’s uncanny knack of appearing out of nowhere. She cleared her throat and willed her heart to slow. Surely Alan could hear the ‘thu-thump, thu-thump’; it pounded loudly in her ears. “Back home, things had become… Um…unbearable.”

I bet you knew Alan couldn’t stay away. lol

Like always thanks so much for stopping by.  I would love to know what you thought of the snippet. :)

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19 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: Alan makes an appearance…@WildRosePress @KMNbooks #SpeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Wow, nice. l can feel the tension between them. And it’s fun that they’re playing darts. The hero and heroine of “Mr. Short, Dark…& Funny” (my sweet contemp. romantic comedy) went bowling on their second date.

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