Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. Today’s snippet is a couple of sentences later from last week.
If you missed last weeks snippet, here’s the link: Chapter 5 #10
The Wild Rose Press
Set up: (Michaela is witnessing the scene unfolding and this snippet is her observation.) Ethan doesn’t seem to care the authorities have stepped in. He’s determined to have words with Alan, but before this happens a few of the patrons in the pub step forward to stop a potential fight in the pub.
***Note: Snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit. Fancy punctuations to make this one work. lol
The sheriff and an officer were seated at a table near them, their meals forgotten for the moment. Sensing a confrontation, the sheriff pushed back his chair and strolled over for a closer look. He possessed bright red hair, height to compensate for his thick waist and a no nonsense attitude. “Ye need to go home, Ethan,” he encouraged with a level-eyed look.
“Ye tell him, Sheriff Comyn,” Kait cheered on.
“Pipe down Kait,” a wiry, dark haired officer joined the melee.
“Is that an order, Officer Jonas Wiley?” she sneered, her tone indicating bad history between the two.
“Keep yer trap shut,” He told her, his eyes narrowed, his features a mask of contempt.
Kait and the deputy… Don’t you wonder what their history is?
Like always thanks so much for stopping by. I would love to know what you thought of the snippet.
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Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
Oh, yes. The peek made me curious about the strong currents between them. Good work.
Thank you! 🙂
I enjoyed the dialogue exchange and you’ve captured their characteristics with the witty dialect. Nice snippet!
So glad you enjoyed the snippet– dialogue and all. 🙂
Interesting snippet … kept waiting for Alan to be introduced … guess that will be a future snippet, and yes it does sound like there is some intriguing ‘past history’ between Kait and the deputy. 🙂 Nicely done.
Next week for sure. Only 8 sentences here and it didn’t quite lead us there. lol Thanks for stopping by.
Karen, your writing is wonderful taking the reader to a time and place. Dialogue and descriptions are right on target.
Thanks so much. I’m glad I could transport you to the pub. 🙂
I’m beginning to think that Kait and Ethan would make a good pair. Great descriptions and hints at the back stories.
He’s a bit older than Kait, but it would sure clear the way for Michaela, if the two would leave the pub together. lol
Really ejoyed this snippet and the interaction of the characters.
Sassing an officer probably isn’t going to bode well in her favour!
Oh Kait, you mouthy thing you. I can picture this whole scene in my head.
Why was a I smiling and sort of growling at the same time while I read that snippet?? Great scene, Karen! The tension was palpable! But I didn’t mind that Kait got told to shut up. 🙂
Hee hee… someone had to Kait to shut her trap.
Liked the description of the sheriff. Does seem like Kait is a piece of work.
I enjoyed this scene and, yes, I did wonder about their history. I’m also curious about what caused the confrontation and whether or not the lawmen will be able to stop it. I like the way you showed the sheriff’s power.
So glad you liked the snippet!
I always picture Jonas as Jonathan Aris, the actor who plays Anderson on BBC’s Sherlock. Kind of like a good-looking ferret. Am I close?
Not far off at all. Love it! Good-looking ferret. lol
Complex relationships in a small village where all of the inhabitants know each other.
Yes, it does make it difficult to have a secret. lol
Such interesting tension between them, I’m with the others who hope Kait will go home with him and leave Michaela a clear field! Great snippet!
So glad you enjoyed the snippet. Yep, Kait should take a hike, and take Ethan with her. lol
It looks like the confrontation is going to divert to Kait and Jonas.
Just might. lol