Snippet Sunday: Hypnotized into compliance…Magic of the Loch @KMNbooks @WildRosePress #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday

Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. Today’s snippet is a couple of sentences later from last week.

If you missed last weeks snippet, here’s the link: Chapter 5 #11

The Wild Rose Press

Set up: Alan steps forward in hopes of defusing the situation. Will Ethan comply?

***Note: Snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit. Fancy punctuations to make this one work and few lines eliminated. lol  :)


“That’s enough, Ethan MacGregor,” Alan demanded and silence hit the room at once with all eyes riveted to Ethan and the MacLachlin brothers, the air thick with anticipation.

Ethan’s gaze riveted on Alan again, his mouth opening with what looked like a nasty retort, but then his lips smoothed and pressed together into a fine line.

“We’ll talk, but no’ here where others can be hurt,” Alan said, his smooth voice washing over Ethan like a wave.

Michaela glanced around the room, wondering if anyone caught how Alan calmed Ethan, his voice like the low hum of a melody. Could he hypnotize people and animals with his voice? She couldn’t dismiss how earlier today he had demanded his German Shepherd to stop harassing the cat; and on the boat, he had touched her temples and his unusual blue eyes locked with hers as he spoke. Her pain eased and disappeared without her having to take the meds she had stashed in her backpack. It was as if the sound of his voice hypnotized them all into compliance.


Alan has a magical voice. Can you just imagine how it sounds? 🙂

Like always thanks so much for stopping by.  I would love to know what you thought of the snippet.

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39 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: Hypnotized into compliance…Magic of the Loch @KMNbooks @WildRosePress #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday”

  1. Karen, I can definitely imagine Ethan’s voice from your description. Love the cover!

  2. Great snippet! Sounds like he’s a healer. He’s intriguing and the snippet made me want to know more.

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