Snippet Sunday: Meet Kait! @WildRosePress @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday

Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. Today’s snippet is a couple of sentences later from last week.

If you missed last weeks snippet, here’s the link: Chapter 4 #7

The Wild Rose Press

Set up: Blondie shows up to join the party and ups the tension. Hyatt greets blondie and we find out her name is Kait. Hyatt asks her to join them for lunch and a game of darts. Of course Hyatt’s damn sexy smile melts Kait’s frosty entrance… well, somewhat anyway.

***Note: Snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit.  :)


Her hand feathered over the darts arranged—for the moment—harmless on the table. “I’ll go next, if ye’re fixin’ to play another round.”

Michaela wondered how wise it would be to let the woman have a weapon, but Alan didn’t notice the danger. “Go ahead. Give it yer best shot,” he told her.

Her slim hips sashayed back and forth before making her move. “Who’s yer new friend, Alan?” Kait asked as her dart attacked the board with a thud.

“Michaela’s from the States,” he offered and then turned toward her and added, “Michaela, let me introduce Kait MacDonald.”


Hmm… Does Kait have a thing for Alan?

Like always thanks so much for stopping by.  I would love to know what you thought of the snippet.

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26 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: Meet Kait! @WildRosePress @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I finally found some time to curl up with this book. I’m a couple of chapters into it, and loving the direction you’ve taken this story. You did a great job, Karen!

  2. Well we have to mix things up, don’t we; if Michaela didn’t have some competition it wouldn’t be *quite* as exciting, for us anyway! Love your descriptions here. You really string us along!

  3. Well if Kait doesn’t have a thing for him, she is at least protective of him. I’m curious, where on the board did the dart land? Is Kait’s aim any good?

    I’m loving the tension Michaela is feeling. Men never seem to pick up on that sort of thing between women. I wonder if Alan is as clueless as most guys would be.

    Nicely done, Karen!

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