Tell me it isn’t so… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday


When he grinned she caught sight of two pointed incisors. Vampire came to mind, but that was insane. Self-consciously, she touched the side of her neck where he had bitten her the other night and stumbled back a few steps.

Tim’s mouth quirked and a low menacing chuckle greeted her. “I can see your wheels are turning inside that pretty little head of yours, but I’ll make it simple, unlike how my brother did for me. I’m a vampire. You know—the kind that drinks blood and all that.”

The kind that drank blood—was there another kind? “That’s impossible. You’ve been ill…and you must be…running a fever still.”


So nice of him not to keep her guessing. lol Poor Sloane. She’s still in denial.

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New Valentine Romance Collection from VTP is available!

Be My Everything 2016 Valentine Collection Available at Amazon / Amazon UK / iTunes / Smashwords /Nook/ Createspace

About the Book: My story in the collection is Heart of the Sea. Mermaids anyone?

35 thoughts on “Tell me it isn’t so… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I am embarrassed to admit that it has taken me this long to find your comment function!

    I don’t like Tim, one bit!


  2. Hope she gets over her denial soon…I have a feeling the truth will manifest itself, regardless of whether she believes it or not. Good excerpt!

  3. I’m with Sloane–are there any other kind of vampires that don’t drink blood? I’d probably be in denial too. Hope she manages to get the heck away from him. Great snippet!

  4. Having JOKED quite a bit with my hubby whose maternal grandmother was born in Transylvania, I once asked him if he were to bite my neck would he turn me into a vampire, he told me no, he would just drink my blood (we were JUST JOKING, honest). Perhaps that is the other kind, the kind that turns a person?

    Anyway, Tim sure seems full of himself, not sure if I like that.

  5. “Was there another kind?” LOL! I hope there isn’t. Unless you mean maybe a vampire bat. XD

    She really needs to start trusting her gut and just RUN for it. Seriously, you see the fangs, you see the weird eyes, see the change, how he bit you…more than once. Sloane, just RUN! Don’t question it, don’t dispute and disbelieve it, just freaking run. Ugh.

  6. As we all know, fever make teeth grow. Poor girl, it’s not a time for denial, it’s a time for strategy, make him speak, make him speak….

  7. The kind that drank blood—was there another kind? – my first thought as well. wonder how she reacts now considering she was bitten ….

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