This story is a WIP. The story is in the very early stages and has not been edited. Did a few creative punctuation to end at a good spot. 🙂
She glanced around the room that had been untouched by time, a shrine of sorts to her father. His books, his couch, his stereo system that probably been state of the art back when, and heck, his last scribbled notes were still on the desk. She’d been fascinated with the room when she was a kid, most likely because it was considered taboo to go inside.
Her mother’s words haunted her. You would say: Daddy’s playing his guitar and singing to me.
Had her three-year-old self truly been communicating with her father’s spirit? Some believed children were more in tune with the afterlife. She recalled some of her visits home from boarding school–when make-believe was still a big part of her life. She would pretend that her father hadn’t died and he was in his study working on his next big hit. She would press her ear against the large wood door and she’d swear sometimes she could hear him in there.
Now she’s starting to remember. Make-believe or not?
Loved to hear your feedback. 🙂
Unofficial Blurb for End of the Road
Lars Gunner, the frontman for Silent Plaids, died 23 years ago and is trapped in limbo until his daughter, Cecilia, unearths his journal and is able to see him. His death was ruled an unfortunate accident, but he’s convinced it had to be murder despite the fact he can’t recall what happened in his last moments of life. Cecilia seeks the help from Kaleb, a psychic, but as they resurrect the past, the secrets and lies surrounding Lar’s rock and roll life just may be the death of them too.
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Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
She seems to be so connected to her environment when it comes to her father. I don’t think it’s her imagination.
This is going to be so good. I love a good ghost story! And to have the MC doubt her own recollections of events–because she was just a small child creates great intrigue for the reader. 🙂
Thank you, Teresa. So glad that it does.
Ahhhh, the plot thickens very nicely. Great premise, Karen. Can’t wait to see how it develops!
So glad you’re intrigued.
I do believe in after-life, where beloved’s return to give comfort and advice. This comes from personal experience so your story rings true for me. Well told, Karen
I believe in the after-life too. Thanks for stopping by Charmaine.
It’s a little creepy – hearing your dead father.
Or it just might be comforting… 🙂
I love the build up to what’s coming. Well done!
Thanks so much.
Just keeps getting more and more interesting. I like the hints of suggestion she may really have been hearing his ghost! Terrific snippet.
I’m so glad the snippets are keeping you intrigued.
Such a lovely story. I hope she is able to reconnect with her father, even if only in memory/spirit.
Thank you.
That was a great excerpt to what sounds like a really interesting story!
I enjoyed the gently bittersweet tone of this snippet.
Thank you so much.
Such a heartfelt snippet. I loved it. Great work!
So glad that you enjoyed the snippet.
Oh, when we can’t trust our memories… Great snippet, Karen!
So very true.
So touching, how in tune she is with her dad’s memory, or maybe more!
So much more.
Love the memory.
I believe children have a sixth sense when it comes to loved ones. Great snippet!