Getting to know you….End of the Road @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday

Setup for this snippet with a recap from last week: Cecilia is still trying to accept she’s talking to her father’s ghost. Their conversation is a bit awkward…

Now for the snippet.

***The story has not been edited.


“I knew you’d be a hot babe when you grew up–with my genes and your mother’s–and damn, that didn’t come out right at all, did it?”

She lifted an eyebrow at the sudden change of subject then realized this entity, this ghost, may be her father, but he was only a twenty-seven year old man when he’d died and it would seem his way of thinking had remained dormant. For him, life had stood still. He would be forever young and somehow that thought broke her heart, but for now she pushed the despair away. “Thanks?” she said more like a question, since she was unsure how to respond to his impromptu comment.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to sound creepy. It’s just…well, you’re all grown up,” he said and his voice choked even though he tried to cover it up by clearing his throat.

With all the times she’d imagined what she would say to her father if she had the chance, this conversation didn’t even come close. She had others though. “Did you purposely drive your truck off the pier?” she blurted out and pointed as if he could see through the walls to where their private pier stood.


Love to hear your feed back. πŸ™‚


Lars Gunner, the frontman for Silent Plaids, died 23 years ago and has been trapped in limbo until his daughter, Cecilia, unearths his journal and is able to see him. His death was ruled an unfortunate accident, but he’s convinced it was murder despite the fact he can’t recall what happened to him in his last moments of life. Cecilia seeks help from Kaleb, a psychic, but as they resurrect the past, the secrets and lies surrounding Lars’ rock and roll life just may be the death of them too.

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22 thoughts on “Getting to know you….End of the Road @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I love the fact her dad blurted out she’s hot, and then realized it came out kinda creepy – although that’s not how he meant it to sound. You could almost hear him beeping as he tried to back out of that comment… lol

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