What have I done? End of the Road @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday

Setup for this snippet with a recap from last week: Cecilia is overwhelmed from meeting her father, who just so happens to be a ghost. She did what any other person might do. She fled.

In this snippet she’s had time to think about her hasty retreat.


“Ghosts aren’t real,” Cecilia said as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. In the light of day, she wondered if she had imagined the whole conversation she had with her father. “Ghosts aren’t real,” she said again, but it lacked conviction she needed to wholeheartedly believe that statement. She’d seen her father’s ghost. Had talked to him. She frowned as she remembered her parting words to him last night. “People are trying to prove ghosts are real and you tell yours to get lost.” Why in the world did she tell him to go away?

Once she dressed for the day in comfortable black slacks and a blouse, she placed a call to her mother’s psychiatrist, and then she rang Fritz to tell him about her mother’s episode last night.


Love to hear your feed back. 🙂

RELEASE DATE  is set for Oct. 22, 2017! Pre-order a copy for only 99¢!

Amazon/ Amazon UK  / Barnes and Noble  / Smashwords / iTunes /Kobo

I was asked if I had a book video for End of the Road. I didn’t, so I put a teaser together this weekend. 🙂 Enjoy!


Lars Gunner, the frontman for Silent Plaids, died 23 years ago and his death was ruled an unfortunate accident. Despite the fact he can’t recall what happened to him in his last moments of life, he is convinced he was murdered. He has been trapped in limbo until his daughter, Cecilia, unearths his journal and is able to see him. She seeks help from Kaleb, a psychic, but as they resurrect the past, the secrets and lies surrounding Lars’ rock and roll life just may be the death of them too.

If you’re a writer (regardless of published/unpublished status) come join us and share a snippet of your work in progress, a new release, or an oldie but goodie.

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