Tea and Friendship… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

Setup for this snippet: WIP from Heart and Soul. This is a snippet from my new ‘rock star romance’ that I’m working on. It’s in the very early stages.

Last week : Maverick never gave Rowan an answer on how he knew her favorite tea. Instead, he made an excuse and hurried away to take care of matters in the kitchen.

This is Rowan’s POV.


Looks like you needed that cup of tea,” Katie said with a hesitant smile but her gaze followed her boss as he made his way toward the kitchen.

“It was a long drive and it’s nice just to relax.” Rowan sighed into her cup.

Katie glanced at her again and patted her hand. “Well you do that, hon. As for me, I need to start clearing the tables or we’ll never close tonight. She strode around the bar and headed to a table in the back of the room where a woman and two men stopped her. Rowan couldn’t hear what they were saying but Katie’s rich laugh reached her ears. The three each gave Katie a hug before they headed for the front door and she then took care of the cups and plates on the table. Rowan had the feeling this place didn’t just serve tea and coffee but also dished out a good dose of friendship as well. She reached for her teacup and sat back to wait.


Love to hear your feed back. 🙂

About Heart and Soul…

80s rock star, Haley Rose went missing without a trace on October 31 1988 and was eventually presumed dead. Three decades later, a thirty-year old woman, Rowan Beckett recalls things only Haley Rose would know and she can belt out songs in the same fashion as the missing 80s star. However, Rowan couldn’t be the missing rock star since the woman would now be in her fifties. Could Haley Rose have came back reincarnated as Rowan Beckett?

Hashtags: #8sunday #snippetsunday

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24 thoughts on “Tea and Friendship… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Thirty years later? Crap I feel old, lol! I graduated HS in 88. 🙂 The snippet was great. Along with the blurb, it’s definitely something I want to read!!!

  2. This certainly sounds like a place to sit and relax without the bustle of say a Starbucks. A little bit of down home, perhaps. Nice snippet!

  3. What a nice place when someone instantly feels comfortable, and feels the friendship between the others. Great snippet.

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