Hired! Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

Setup for this snippet: WIP from Heart and Soul. This is a snippet from my new ‘rock star romance’ that I’m working on. It’s in the very early stages.

We’re back to when Maverick is thinking back to the day he hired Rowan and why he thought she’d make a good fit.

This is Maverick’s POV.


He glanced at the resume again and noticed there were only two references but he hadn’t bothered to call either one of them. He placed the paper down and pursed his lips. At least he could say he didn’t hired her for just her looks. He hadn’t known what she looked liked when he spoke to her on the phone and yet he knew she wouldn’t be unattractive.

He cringed at where his thoughts had gone. It was such a shallow thing to think but hell, he was still a guy. Looks mattered to a point at least—perky breasts helped too.

He shook his head and strode to his bedroom. Rowan had both but if she had the intellect to go with those great physical qualities, his all too male brain seemed hung up on, they were in business.

In the next few days, he’d know.


Love to hear your feed back. 🙂

About Heart and Soul…

80s rock star, Haley Rose went missing without a trace on October 31 1988 and was eventually presumed dead. Three decades later, a thirty-year old woman, Rowan Beckett recalls things only Haley Rose would know and she can belt out songs in the same fashion as the missing 80s star. However, Rowan couldn’t be the missing rock star since the woman would now be in her fifties. Could Haley Rose have came back reincarnated as Rowan Beckett?

Hashtags: #8sunday #snippetsunday

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13 thoughts on “Hired! Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I like that he hired her without seeing her…enjoyed the excerpt as always. I feel like there’s so much to be revealed yet in this book and I love it!

  2. Hmm, he sounds like a typical guy, but then he’s aware of that fact – and he did hire her before he saw her, so I reckon he’s forgiven!

  3. What can I add that the others haven’t said? LOL Guys are guys. One track minds. He’s sort of forgiven since her looks weren’t why he hired her. Nice snippet.

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