Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

Keep in mind Heart and Soul is a WIP. About the snippet: While on the phone with his father, Maverick is daydreaming thinking about Rowan and how he’d like to know her better. Strictly in a professional way or so he keeps telling himself. πŸ™‚


“What’s his name?” his father asked.


“Your manager? Where are you, Maverick? You seem preoccupied.”

“Sorry, just have a busy schedule,” he lied. He in no way was going to tell his father he had the hots for his new manager. He’d never hear the end of it. “Her name is Rowan Beckett.”

“You hired a woman?”


About Heart and Soul…

80s rock star, Haley Rose went missing without a trace on October 31 1988 and was eventually presumed dead. Three decades later, a thirty-year old woman, Rowan Beckett recalls things only Haley Rose would know and she can belt out songs in the same fashion as the missing 80s star. However, Rowan couldn’t be the missing rock star since the woman would now be in her fifties. Could Haley Rose have came back reincarnated as Rowan Beckett?

Hashtags: #8sunday #snippetsunday

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24 thoughts on “Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Does his father think hiring a woman is verboten? If he’s that much of a dinosaur (which is yet to be proven), he might actually approve of hiring a woman his son has the hots for.

  2. This (mini) confrontation with his dad reveals a lot about both of them. Dad’s pretty old-fashioned. I hope Maverick steps up for her. Again, that will reveal more about him, too.

  3. Oh yes, Maverick is preoccupied for sure. His Dad has no idea…enjoyed the snippet, very true to life dialog going on here…but then, I always enjoy the way your prose flows – smooth!

  4. This sounds like a really fun story!
    This will sound odd coming from someone involved with erotica writing, but it’s nice to see an image of the hero wearing everyday clothes. I sometimes roll my eyes at the plethora of shirtless hunks with washboard abs so common to the romance genre.

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