Where did she go? Heart and Soul #snippetsunday #8snippet

Keep in mind Heart and Soul is a WIP.

About the snippet: Maverick headed downstairs the Heart and Soul where he found Katie writing down the specials for the night on the blackboard they hung by the bar.

This is in Maverick’s POV. He is speaking first.


He glanced out the front window facing the street and couldn’t help but notice Rowan’s car wasn’t parked at the curb. “Did Rowan happen to stop in this morning before she left?” he asked as casually as he could, wondering if she’d told Katie where she was going.

Katie’s fingers paused, her hand poised over the blackboard as she turned toward him. “No.”

The way she said that one little word made him think he hadn’t pulled off the casual conversation.

“Was she supposed to check in?” she asked, and he didn’t miss the scrutiny in her voice.

He strode over to the other side of the bar where a tray of clean cups waited to be put away on the shelf beneath the counter. “No, but if she had, I thought maybe I could show her around town. You know, help her get acquainted with where things are located.”

Katie stared at him with a raised brow.


About Heart and Soul…

80s rock star, Haley Rose went missing without a trace on October 31 1988 and was eventually presumed dead. Three decades later, a thirty-year old woman, Rowan Beckett recalls things only Haley Rose would know and she can belt out songs in the same fashion as the missing 80s star. However, Rowan couldn’t be the missing rock star since the woman would now be in her fifties. Could Haley Rose have came back reincarnated as Rowan Beckett?

Hashtags: #8sunday #snippetsunday

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26 thoughts on “Where did she go? Heart and Soul #snippetsunday #8snippet”

  1. Busted! He doesn’t quite have the finesse to pull off that fact finding mission unnoticed. 🙂

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