Meet and Greet #8sunday #snippetsunday

July 4th Release Day for WESTERN HOT NIGHTS! Fake Marriage with a Dash of Desire, my western novella, will be featured in the collection. (Fireworks will commence at sunset. Happy dancing optional. :)) And guess what? There’s still time to Pre-order your copy. Details below.

I thought I’d share a snippet of how the hero and heroine meet for the first time.

This is in Nash’s point of view. I skipped a few paragraphs for the meet and greet. 🙂


He removed his shirt and tossed it to the floor before reaching to lower Lulu’s straps and give those breasts of hers a proper hello, but his hand froze as the door to the room swung open, banging against the wall with a thud. Nash had his gun drawn just as fast.

A pint-size woman came flying inside, her mahogany hair a blur of color. She didn’t seem to notice he almost blew her head clean off. Her hand reached for the door and closed it enough so she could peek out into the hall. Her round behind pointed in his direction like an invitation, but Nash was downright irked with the interruption, and felt like shooting her just for the heck of it.

The woman finally turned, and he caught sight of her beautiful, sea-green eyes all fringed with the darkest, longest lashes he’d ever seen. His angry words lodged in the back of his throat, and threatened to choke him.

Her hand flipped her thick tresses over her shoulder as though she was annoyed about her hair being in the way. Her gaze met his, and she gave him a curt nod.

(This is the end of the 10 sentences for Weekend Warriors. Continue for Snippet Sunday 300 words or less, if you wish. :))

“Sorry, mister, for the intrusion. I’ll be on my way in just a moment.” She all but dismissed him as she turned her attention toward the gal sprawled on his lap. “Oh, hello, Lulu,” she said to her as if they were long lost friends.

“How’s it going?” Lulu smiled as if this situation was all part of the evening’s festivities.

“Oh, it’s going.” She gave Lulu a big grin and winked.

Lulu shook her head and removed herself from his lap. “You are going to be in a fix of trouble if Maribel finds you up here!”

“Hell-nation, I’m more worried about Mr. Stanfield.”


Hot Western Nights

There are a total of six, sexy, sizzling western love stories in the collection to get you through those HOT WESTERN NIGHTS! (Fan not included.) Pre-order your copy today!

Authors: by Karen Michelle Nutt, J. Arlene Culiner, Angela Raines, Elizabeth Clements, Julie Lence, Kay Spencer

Pre-Order Today

Would you like a sneak peek of Fake Marriage with a Dash of Desire? Just click on the hunky guy below. Enjoy! #romance #western #lovestories #prairierosepublicat

Hashtags: #8sunday #snippetsunday

Participating Authors are listed at these sites:

Weekend Writing Warriors

Snippet Sunday Facebook Group 

8 thoughts on “Meet and Greet #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Love this new character’s entrance! Sounds like she’s already in a peck of trouble.

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