A Storm’s a Brewin’… Rodeo Blues @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday

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33 thoughts on “A Storm’s a Brewin’… Rodeo Blues @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Depending on how/why he left AND if he bothered to say goodbye, I imagine she’s liable to react badly to his reappearance, but the I imagine the sparks flying will be enjoyable for all.

  2. It would add a lot of credibility to Whisper’s character if she later reveals that she’s won the lottery several times! (Or at least a few scratch and sniffs.) 🙂
    There’s a well known girl in Cajun folklore with a name similar to your MC. Just Google, “Jole Blon.” Or check her out on Youtube.
    Nice 8. (Or ten, or twelve!)

  3. Doesn’t she know thoughts like that are tempting fate? She’s practically guaranteed the storm will blow in the last person she expects to see.

  4. If there is somewhere else to post this comment, I sure couldn’t find it. That said, howdy! I love the give and take of the gals’ conversation. It was fun and realistic.

  5. I really love that first line. It has such a classic feel to it, totally setting the reader up for wonders to come in the tale that follows. Nice work!

  6. Love the banter between them! Already love Whisper as a character, and in my experience, Jolie would be wise to listen to her. A storm’s definitely a brewin’.

    Great snippet!

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