Holiday in Hell… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday


T. Wilkins screeched as he leapt off the roof, sailing through the air like a bat taking flight.

Wade did the honors and his dagger flew from his fingertips, hitting Wilkins squarely in the chest, right where his vampire heart lay beneath. The newly made vamp fell to the ground mid-flight like a stone effigy.

They strode over to the last remaining Wilkins. He looked momentarily stunned as if he couldn’t wrap his mind around why his brain worked and his limbs had taken a snooze.

“So who’s your girlfriend?” Wade asked. “Did you turn her, vamp?”

Wilkins blinked then snarled. “Go to hell.”

“I’ll consider the holiday if you cooperate,” Wade replied as he sat on his haunches next to Wilkins and rifled through the vamp’s pockets.


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29 thoughts on “Holiday in Hell… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I love this line: “couldn’t wrap his mind around why his brain worked and his limbs had taken a snooze.” I’ve had the wind completely knocked out of me and that is a great description. And now I can’t wait to find out what they find in his pockets.

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