Exit Stage Right. Twirl and Dip #8sunday #SnipSun #snippetsunday

Drake realized his hands held all he needed and hurried out the door and to the emergency exit he’d spotted earlier when the band did their soundcheck. Feeling like a wanted criminal, he pulled the cap down lower. He usually wore contacts, but he occasionally wore glasses as part of disguise to avoid fans. Superman had it right. No one recognized you if you changed your style and wore dark-rimmed glasses.

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Twirl and Dip #8sunday #SnipSun #snippetsunday

He only sang a few words and the girls closest to the stage screamed in delight. He would be fooling himself if he didn’t like the attention, but he needed a break, if only for a little while. He didn’t want to be served all his favorite dishes and he didn’t want to be waited on when he could do things himself. He needed space. He needed quiet. He needed to work with his hands again and build something.

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Time to take the stage. Twirl and Dip #8sunday #SnipSun #snippetsunday

He strode over to the door and threw it open. Security was there to escort him safely to where Sam, Wyatt, and Malcolm waited for him. Sam met his gaze, and he nodded he was ready. Sam went on stage first, heading for his kit. Once he started the intro with his drum solo, they would take their spots on stage with Malcolm on bass, and Wyatt on electric guitar. He’d go on last, front and center to belt out the lyrics to the bluesy rock song from their new album.

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