Since I’m a cat lover, I thought I would write a post about these furry friends.
Cat Facts:

A group of cats is referred to as a clowder or a glaring. A male cat is called a ‘tom’ or ‘tomcat’, but if neutered the male is called a ‘gib’. A female is called a ‘molly’ or a ‘queen’. A male progenitor is called a sire and the female is called a dam. The young is called a kitten, but used to be called a catling.
Cats have excellent night vision and see at only one-sixth the light level required for human vision. However they have poor color vision.
Cats have an acute sense of smell, too. They are sensitive to pheromones and communicate through urine spraying and marking with scent glands. Cats also respond strongly to plants that contain neptalactone, which can be found in catnip.
To aid with navigation and sensation, cats have dozens of movable whiskers over their body—mostly on their face. The whiskers provide information on the width of gaps and on the location of objects in the dark, both by touching objects and by sensing air currents. The whisker also trigger a ‘blink reflexes’ to protect their eyes.
Domestic cats are vocal. They meow, purr, trill, growl, snarl and grunt. Feral cats are generally silent.
The cat’s body language dictates its mood. Positioning of the ears and tail, relaxation of the body, kneading paws, are all indication of the cats moods. The tail and ears are important to watch. A raised tail is friendly greeting, while flattened ears indicates a hostile greeting. Nose-to-nose touching is friendly greeting, too.
Cats in History:
Ancient Egypt regarded cats as sacred animals. The goddess Bastet is often depicted in cat form.

The Romans introduced the domesticated Egyptian cat to Europe.
During the Age of Discovery, sailing ships kept cats on board to control rodents infestation. They were also considered good-luck charms.
Several ancient religions believed cats are exalted souls or guides for humans. They believe they are all-knowing but cannot influence a human’s decision.
In Japan the ‘maneki neko’ is a cat symbolizing good fortune.
Norse legend of Freya, the goddess of love and fertility had a chariot pulled by two black cats. After serving Freya for seven years, the cats were rewarded and were turned into witches.
Cat Superstitions
A black cat crossing your path will lead to bad luck.
A cat is a witch’s familiar and used to augment a witch’s powers and skills.
According to myths, many countries believe cats have nine lives. Italy, Germany, Greece, and some Spanish speaking regions believe cats have seven lives. The Turkish and Arabic believe they have six.
The Elizabethans also believed black to be evil. They also believed a cat was the witch’s pet. So a black cat crossing your path would surely lead to mishap.

Sadly, in the Middle Ages the black cat became affiliated with evil. Cats are nocturnal creatures and they believed the cat was a supernatural being because of its glowing night eyes and sleek movements.
A kitten born in May will be a witch’s cat. Hmm…Tiger Lilly was born in May. She’s a little witch at times —not the other way around. Lol We do love her though. She’s loud and demanding and enters a room as if she owns the place.
McGregor and Bryn were strays. McGregor is the sweetest and loves to cuddle. The moment I arrive home, Byrn will greet me with meows of hello. She loves to cuddle, too.
Trivia: McGregor stars in Eli: Warriors for the Light
(Fallen Angels, Book 1)
Tiger Lilly stars in Lucca:Warriors for the Light (Fallen Angels, Book 2)
Brynn will have a starring role in Gideon’s tale.
So do you have a cat? I would love for you to share some fond memories.
Here’s the list to the other A to Z Challenge participants.
I had no idea that feral cats were usual not vocal. I had a beloved siamese mix that was with me for 17 years. Vocal does not even begin to describe him 🙂 He was fond of planting himself right between me and a book or onto of a keyboard I was trying to type on. Not so helpful writing partner. Another great post, thanx
My cats are no help with my writing either. lol They want my full attention and they think the keyboard is the best place. lol
I enjoyed this post and learned something I had never heard of before,the term “gib”.
We have three males ( Linus- tabby,Cheetah and Tarzan- orange littermates, all fixed. We always just referred to them as fixed.
I love learning new stuff!
So glad you enjoyed the post.
I love the names– Cheetah and Tarzan. 🙂