Have a good flight. Hot Western Nights #8sunday #snippetsunday

Fake Marriage with a Dash of Desire, my western novella, featured in Hot Western Nights.

This is in Nash’s POV.

This Week’s Snippet Below: Will she escape out the window?


“I’ve shimmied down higher places than this.” She tied her dress between her legs. At least she wouldn’t be tangled up in the fabric as she made her escape.

Curious, Nash took the steps over to the window for a quick look to see the path the woman planned on taking. His gaze fastened on the narrow ledge and the straight drop below. His eyebrows raised a fraction as he met the pixie’s gaze. The striking sea-green eyes flashed with a warning of just try and stop me. Heck, he didn’t intend to stop the little lady. With a wave of his hand, he gallantly stepped aside. “Have a good flight, my little pixie.”


Hot Western Nights

There are a total of six, sexy, sizzling western love stories in the collection to get you through those HOT WESTERN NIGHTS!

Authors: by Karen Michelle Nutt, J. Arlene Culiner, Angela Raines, Elizabeth Clements, Julie Lence, Kay Spencer

Order Today. Available in Print and eBook.

Hashtags: #8sunday #snippetsunday

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20 thoughts on “Have a good flight. Hot Western Nights #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Smart move on Nash’s part since she clearly wasn’t going to listen to him anyway. Although (gulp) what a dangerous exit for her to take! Enjoyed the snippet…

  2. It seems he can read her pretty well. I bet she manages to land on her feet and live to see him another day. Nice snippet!

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