Sweet, Charming, and Not Shy. Hot Western Nights #8sunday #snippetsunday

Fake Marriage with a Dash of Desire, my western novella, featured in Hot Western Nights.

This is in Nash’s POV. (A little creative punctuation for the last paragraph.)


She couldn’t be more than 5′ 4″ in height, but she sure had some long, graceful limbs. He didn’t mind one bit that she wasn’t shy in showing them off.

“What do you have in mind?” Lulu had seemingly forgotten he was there, too, and strode over to the woman. The pixie turned and looked right at Nash, as brazen as any saloon girl would gander. “No, no, Little Miss.” Lulu grabbed at her arm. “You ain’t going to climb in bed with Nash. I won’t let you.”

Her laughter rang like bells, sweet and charming and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll leave the pleasing part up to you.”


Hot Western Nights

There are a total of six, sexy, sizzling western love stories in the collection to get you through those HOT WESTERN NIGHTS!

Authors: by Karen Michelle Nutt, J. Arlene Culiner, Angela Raines, Elizabeth Clements, Julie Lence, Kay Spencer

Order Today. Available in Print and eBook.

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22 thoughts on “Sweet, Charming, and Not Shy. Hot Western Nights #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Quite the scene going on and there’s Nash, just enjoying every minute. I have the feeling something big, loud and dramatic is going to bust in and break up this amusing interlude though…great snippet!

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