First Kiss: Sarah McNeal shares a Sneak Peek at Robin wooing Ms. Lilith! @KMNbooks @Starcriter #giveaway

At KMN Books: First Kiss
In a sneak peak of Sarah McNeal’s upcoming release FLY AWAY HEART, Robin must woo Ms. Lilith and he does so with a toe curling kiss!
Giveaway: Sarah McNeal will be giving away a digital copy of HEARTS AND SPURS Valentine anthology to one lucky commenter!


Tweets are always appreciated!
First Kiss: Sarah McNeal shares a Sneak Peek at Robin wooing Ms. Lilith! @KMNbooks @Starcriter #giveaway


Tweets are always appreciated!
First Kiss: Sarah McNeal shares a Sneak Peek at Robin wooing Ms. Lilith! @KMNbooks @Starcriter #giveaway