Ready your weapons… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday


“Well, don’t the place look all nice and cozy,” Wade said as he checked his gun. The special weapon was modified to hold iron-filled bullets. Iron could prove lethal to a vampire no matter the sept they belonged to.

He’d documented the differences between the vampire septs, including the vamps choice of weapons if any, their preferences to feeding, and if their bite were lethal to a human’s existence. His father told him not to waste his time. ‘Son, all vamps are blood drinkers,’ his father told him more times than he could count. ‘There’s not much more you need to know. Stake and dust. End of subject.’

“Are you ready?” Wade threw him the infamous half-tilted grin that said: Let’s kick some preternatural arse.


Seems like Derek wants to know about the vampire septs and how they function. Wade just wants to do his job. lol Wonder what they’ll find inside the McBride’s home.

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20 thoughts on “Ready your weapons… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I’m sure he’s going to discover there’s more to vamps than knowing they suck blood! At least he’s preparing himself by studying them in advance.

  2. Interesting… he’s a renaissance vampire hunter. Way to give your characters even more depth. Nice work!

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