Always come prepared… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday


Derek hated to think it, but if Tim paid a visit to the McBrides, he hoped the vamp ended it here, drained them and moved on because if one of the McBrides survived, the nightmare continued at another poor schmuck’s home.

Reaching the gate, his hand gripped the padlock. It wouldn’t stop him and he pulled out his tools from his jeans’ pocket to pick the lock. He could easily jump the fence, but it was better to take the time now and have an easy escape route, if there proved a need. It took less than a minute.

He opened the gate and slid in, only to halt his movements when he noticed the black lab sitting on his haunches, staring at him with a curious tilt of its head. He was glad he had the heads up on the pet. “Good…boy,” he said as he slowly fished into his jacket with multiple pockets containing all sorts or weapons. This pocket just happened to be filled with dog biscuits. He kept a box in his truck. Made it easier to deal with the four-legged animals when he invaded their territory.


The family’s pet is alive and well. Does that seem to be a good sign? Just a thought. 🙂

*****Victory Tales Press is looking for stories for their anthology. Would you like to participate? Here’s the link for more information.

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33 thoughts on “Always come prepared… Flowers and Fangs @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. A curious tilt of its head, probably wondering why this man seemed so sure of himself. This snippet says Derek had the treats, it doesn’t say the dog was receptive. This also makes me wonder if something “weird” went on in the house that left the dog bewildered? Very intriguing.

  2. Well written–as always, Karen. Easy to visualize. Yeppers, Black labs can be distracted with treats. We have a rescue that is half rotty, half black lab. His whole world revolves around food. 🙂

  3. Ooh, I see the dog as a BAD sign. Yes, it COULD mean the family is still alive. But in my head, I immediately go to “Has this dog been turned into some sort of hellhound?” Doesn’t matter if it doesn’t fit the mythology, that’s still where my mind goes. LOL…

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Yeah, black labs aren’t too big a threat. Hee hee. This guy comes prepared with biscuits. 🙂 What if he didn’t, I wonder. Great snippet! Look forward to reading more.

  5. If he’s like the labs I’ve known, throwing a tennis ball (endlessly!) works about as well as treats.

    Part of me has to wonder if the dog was turned too.

  6. Dog biscuits! Well, as they say, every job has the proper tool. I like how you take us through his reasoning.
    And you get bonus points for using the word, “schmuck”.

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