Dig those cutoff shorts… Flower and Fangs @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday


Dark hair and a beautiful smile—just his luck, it was the gal he knew from school. He pursed his lips, silencing the stream of curses begging to be voiced and removed the magnet, grabbed the photo and flipped it over. His mother always wrote on the back of their photos and he was pleased to see the McBrides did as well. The McBrides, mom, dad, Seth and Sloane (me), were scrawled on the back. “Too bad we didn’t ask Trent if the rest of the family was infected before we relieved him of his head,” he said and glanced at Wade. “Since we’re in the house, let’s take a look and see if there’s any evidence the family was here when Sloane’s boyfriend came calling.”

Just in case they needed to identify the bodies, it was good to know what the victims looked like; he handed his brother the photo.

Wade’s low hummed whistle said it all. “Sloane’s sure a looker,” he said, “and I dig those cutoff shorts she’s wearing.”

If she’d been turned, it wouldn’t matter how shapely her legs were, but Derek refrained from commenting..


Maybe Derek will reconsider once he sees Sloane in the flesh. lol

*****Victory Tales Press is looking for stories for the Be My Everything, 2016 Valentine Collection. Would you like to participate? Here’s the link for more information.

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22 thoughts on “Dig those cutoff shorts… Flower and Fangs @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. So many questions. Good questions! Basically, I want to know what happens next. You’ve got an intriging snippet here that compells the reader to move on and read the whole book. I look forward to reading more!

  2. Ah… the power of the high school crush. Takes one back to one’s youth and stirs up all kinds of things to complicate things in the present. Very nice.

  3. I love him “silencing the stream of curses begging to be voiced” — no time for sentimentality at the moment.

    I’m curious to see what they find in the house.

  4. I loved the dialogue and the line “relieved him of his head.” Things will probably remain tense whether or not the other people in the house are infected.

  5. It’s a tough job they do… Loved that last sentence.

    I’m not really a vampire novel reader, but I think I might like this one. Good premise. Might be sad though, huh? 🙂

  6. I love the practically and realism in your snippets. The bits about always being prepared or needing to know what the victims looked like for identification of the bodies. Such attention to the small details we don’t always think about. Nicely done.

    Now I wonder what they’re going to find with the rest of that family and Sloane… Legs definitely aren’t going to matter if they’re facing a fanged grin. Love the line about asking about the family before “revealing him of his head”. So dismissive, but dark in a way as well. Great snippet.

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