Welcome to Snippet Sunday.
Enjoy a snippet from last week: Flowers and Fangs Chapter 3 #6
This week’s snippet is another snippet from Flowers and Fangs.
Chapter 3. Tim attacked Sloane and was about to sink his fangs into her neck, when Derek arrives with his crossbow, and demands Tim to leave her alone.
Skipping ahead to Chapter 4– Tim pushes Sloane away from him as he whirls on Derek…
This is in Derek’s POV.
*The excerpt may have been modified to fit the 10 sentence limit.
He let the arrow fly, but it went wild as Tim plowed into him, sending him flying into the wall. The arrow slammed into the cupboard door above Sloane’s head and she screamed again. He really wished she wouldn’t do that.
He lost his grip on the crossbow from the tackle and it slid over the tile floor, bouncing off one of the kitchen table’s legs. Tim slammed him against the wall again. The picture hanging above him fell to the ground and glass rained around him like sharp razor blades.
Tim proved unnaturally strong even for a newbie. He must have fed not long ago, but thank God for small favors, he was still getting use to his new supercharged limbs that had grown in size. All vampires—originals and hybrids went through a growth spurt where they grew taller and more muscular, and of course the hybrids got spanking new set of fangs just like their creators, but unfortunately, the hybrids also lost their sense of right and wrong.
“Stop it, Tim!” Sloane yelled. She obviously had not grasped that the Tim she knew no longer existed.
Somehow, I don’t think Tim is going to listen.
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Be My Everything 2016 Valentine Collection Available at Amazon / Amazon UK / iTunes / Smashwords /Nook/ Createspace
About the Book: My story in the collection is Heart of the Sea. Mermaids anyone?
quite a bit of interesting info about vampires … who knew! And a brilliant last line!
Thank you so glad you liked the last line. You have to feel a tad bit sorry for her.
She doesn’t seem too bright, or maybe she is in shock, I’m not sure which. I hope she’ll take that arrow over her head and decide to have a good use of it.
Tim is Sloane’s boyfriend, and keep in mind this is only minutes since she let him in and he’s revealing to her what he’s become. How would you process this whole personality change?
Also keep in mind from the first snippets, how the brothers saw pictures of Sloane and Tim, when they were young and when they were teenagers. She’s known Tim a long time. I think if this had happened to your good friend or boyfriend, you just might hesitate. Your mind would grasp for another solution than kill. 🙂 Or maybe I’m wrong. lol
Even after she nearly got devoured, she hasn’t processed what’s going on. I’m sure she’ll get there, though.
She will, but we’re only talking about minutes to process everything. She’s known Tim since they were young and doesn’t want to believe he’s become a monster.
I’m not sure which I like better — the last line or “He really wished she wouldn’t do that.”
You’re allowed to like both. lol
Fun snippet…love a good action scene, especially when some tidbits of info are sprinkled in that help set the scene.
Glad you liked the tidbits, too.
Sounds like Derek’s in trouble – bare hands against a vampire, even a newbie, isn’t healthy. Sloane needs to grasp the realities of the situation and put Tim out of Derek’s misery!
Perhaps, but Derek won’t give up so readily. 🙂
Wow, that was intense! Loved it!
Thanks so much.
So sad and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s due to your powerful description of the growth of vampire strength. Oh my!
Glad you enjoyed the snippet.
I don’t think her words are going to be enough. It’s going to take wood and steel. Great snippet, Karen. 🙂
lol- No, I don’t believe Tim will listen to her at all.
Great action scene! If I were Sloane, I’d still be in shock too.
Me too. 🙂
I think the poor girl’s in shock. Great snippet!
You are so right. Wouldn’t you be?
Like vampire puberty… hopefully the adjustment period lets him get a jump on Tim!
She better figure things out quickly or someone is going to get hurt. Great snippet.
Thanks so much.
Love the vampire details and Derek’s snark even in the face of death. Great snippet!
Thanks so much.
I don’t think holding onto hope and the past here is going to help you, Sloane. Just accept your boyfriend is now a vampire and wants to make you one too and Derek is about your only chance.
She might want to be in denial a few minutes longer. lol