Fun Halloween Trivia:
Werewolves are known to have unibrows, hair on their palms, a long middle finger (not the normal length), and possible tattoos.
Vampires are known to avoids daylight, drinks only red colored liquid, have pointed eye teeth.
Gargoyles: Many people believe gargoyles were created in the medieval times to ward off evil spirits.
If you see a spider on Halloween, it is believed to be a loved one watching over you.
In Salem, the Ouija Board outsold the game Monopoly. Over 2 million copies were sold!
Halloween Facts:
The first Jack O’Lanterns were actually made from turnips.
Nov. 2nd is All Souls Day where the living pay homage to souls who have passed. All Saints Day occurs on November 1st and All Saints Day, also known as All Hallows, is where the lines between the living world and the spiritual one are blurred. This night was once called All Hallows Eve, and eventually became known as Halloween.
Owls and Halloween: In Medieval Europe, owls were thought to be witches, and to hear an owl’s call meant someone was about to die.
Trick-or-treating evolved from the ancient Celtic tradition of putting out treats and food for the spirits who roamed the streets at Samhain.
Samhain is a sacred festival that marked the end of the Celtic calendar year.
According to an old Irish legend, Jack O’Lanterns are named after a stingy man named Jack, who tried to trick the devil several times. He was forbidden entrance into both heaven and hell and condemned to wander the Earth, waving his lantern and trying to lead people away from their paths.
Colors of associated with Halloween: Orange is a symbol of strength and endurance. The colors brown and gold stand for the harvest and autumn. Black is a symbol associated with death and darkness. These colors act as a reminder that Halloween once was a festival of souls, representing the boundaries between life and death.
Harry Houdini was one of the most famous and mysterious magicians who ever lived. He died in 1926 on Halloween night.
On Halloween, it is believed if a young woman peers in a mirror in a darkened room, she will catch a glimpse of the face of her future husband.
During the pre-Halloween celebration of Samhain, bonfires were lit to ensure the sun would return after the long winter. Druid priests would throw the cattle bones into the flames. The name “bone fire” eventually became “bonfire”.
Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween.
Centuries before The Wolfman and Bram Stoker’s Dracula became Halloween favorites, the ancient Greeks and Romans loved tell scary stories about monsters, ghosts and the afterlife.
***Giveaway at KMN Books for the Halloween Flash Fiction:
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Adryanna, a Lathe Sith, mourns the death of her recently mated sister, but she finds solace in the most unlikely place—in the arms of Bram, an Oiche Sith. She should fear him, loathe his existence, but instead she longs for their twilight embraces. Bram admires Adryanna’s strength and wishes only to protect her, even if it’s from him.
If Bram cannot find a way for Adryanna to survive the blooding ritual, the romance is doomed. They seek help from Sheerin, Bram’s cousin, who believes he’s found a way for the Lathe Sith to survive, but others in the Oiche Sith clan do not wish for them to succeed.

One of the Knights of Templar, Liam Cantwell knew his destiny lay elsewhere, but he never thought it would be in the arms of of the legendary Dearg-du. He wants her, but her Love’s Eternal Embrace could prove his demise.
* * * * *
Heart of a Warrior (Goddess Tale/Fantasy)
Trey Brennan knew he was dying, but he awakes in another realm where the goddess Scáthach wants to teach him to be a warrior. He is sure he’s dreaming, but what did he have to lose? He would train and he would fight. Perhaps his destiny on the Isle of Skye would also change his path in his world.
* * * * *
The Devil’s Wolf (Historical Romance)
Lady Catrione Johnstone knows of the Devil’s Wolf and his ruthless exploits. However, the myth is nothing like the man. In his arms, she forgets he is her enemy. Will the magic of love bring peace to the feuding clans or will it only inflame the hostilities?
***Free on All Souls Day, Nov. 2 at Amazon : Soul Taker
No soul is safe…
A vampire from the Grim Sith sept is sucking the souls out of young women from the Boston area, but this sinister crime is far worse than a vampire seeking substance. He’s selling the souls to the highest bidder and it seems business is booming.
A vampire, a werewolf, and a Necromancer are a most unlikely team, but Garran, Harrison, and Isabella plan on putting a kink in the dubbed Soul Taker’s plans. It’s personal now. One of their friends has fallen victim to the Soul Taker’s charms, but to stop him from hurting anyone else, their efforts may involve raising the dead.
Don’t forget to trick or treat at Emma Lai’s blog! I’m their today chatting about Fall!