Band Tryouts… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

Setup for this snippet: WIP from Heart and Soul. This is a snippet from my new ‘rock star romance’ that I’m working on. It’s in the very early stages.

Last week: Rowan is feeling guilty for fluffing her resume. Maverick smiled at her from the end of the coffee bar. πŸ™‚


She turned away and clamped down the emotions the smile conjured, but it didn’t help. Her heartbeat was surely audible to those standing near her. She grabbed for the clipboard on the bar with the signup sheet for the Merry Mayhem Event and secured it to the wall where the nail had been hammered there for such purposes. After the pumpkin carving and adding a few Halloween decorations to the place this morning, she’d tweeted and updated the coffeehouse’s website and Facebook page. She also set up an Instagram account and some of the more popular social media venues to spread the word they were now booking spots for the event.

The coffeehouse had been open for the evening crowd for about twenty minutes, and it was already full. Crusin’ the Boulevard, a punk rock band, opened tonight. Maverick encouraged her to listen in when they took the stage to see if the group would make a good fit for the Merry Mayhem event.

The stage was in a back room, an intimate setting and no matter where anyone chose to sit, they’d have a good view of the performers. The patrons didn’t purchase tickets in advanced but rather the setup was first to arrive would secure a table, and it appeared seats were always in high demand if she could go by the line already forming at the door.


Love to hear your feed back. πŸ™‚

About Heart and Soul…

80s rock star, Haley Rose went missing without a trace on October 31 1988 and was eventually presumed dead. Three decades later, a thirty-year old woman, Rowan Beckett recalls things only Haley Rose would know and she can belt out songs in the same fashion as the missing 80s star. However, Rowan couldn’t be the missing rock star since the woman would now be in her fifties. Could Haley Rose have came back reincarnated as Rowan Beckett?

Hashtags: #8sunday #snippetsunday

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13 thoughts on “Band Tryouts… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Hopefully she didn’t do *too* much fluffing. She seems to know what she’s doing, at least!

  2. Great snippet – such a lot of information in a short excerpt! Just a little pickie thing though – don’t think you need a comma after ’emotions’ πŸ™‚

  3. I hope she finds the courage to say something to Maverick. Great snippet, Karen. You can remove the semicolon and replace it with a comma. πŸ™‚

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