I Hear Voices…Soul Taker @KMNbooks @guyveryzer @NewOnAudible

Audio_Soul TakerSoul Taker is available at Audible! So thrilled to share the good news with everyone!

Having Soul Taker created for an audible version for readers to download and enjoy was so much fun, but lots of hard work, too.

The narrator has to be a convincing actor to play all the characters’ parts. It’s like going to a the theater where the characters from the script come alive the moment the actors step upon the stage.

Guy Veryzer did an excellent job narrating Soul Taker! He truly captured the essence of the story and gave my characters their voices for all to hear.

If you’re interested, here’s the link and your chance to listen to a sample before you download your copy!! Audible

Enjoy and Happy listening!