Just Chillin’ @KMNbooks #giveaway

Griffin #01Happy Monday!

What has everyone been up to? WIP? Editing? Just Chillin’? Love to know.

I’ve been busy with projects, book covers and writing.

My Work In Progress:

I’m working on The Thief and The Gryphon, a short story that’s turned into a novella at 39k. Still haven’t done the final edits, so it may be longer. 🙂 Funny how those things work out.

Audio_A Twist of Fate

I’ve also signed a contract for A Twist of Fate to be available for Audible! So excited. There will be Scottish accents and all.

Audio_Soul Taker

I’m on a Blog tour for Soul Taker and I’m giving away 5 audio books to 5 lucky winners. So if you’re interested in the behind the scene post about the tale, please pop in and say hi! I’m chatting about the making of the book, vampires, werewolves, necromancers, Baobhan Sith (scottish vampire), healing stones, and a legend of the infamous Baobhan Sith and how the hunter escaped her clutches.

Extra points for comments on each blog and if you Tweet each day there’s more. 🙂

July 18-25 Soul Taker Audiobook Giveaway!

Hope to see you there! Now take on the week!!