Snippet Sunday: Snoggin’ with no commitments…Magic of the Loch @KMNbooks @WildRosePress #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday

Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. Today’s snippet is a couple of sentences later from last week.

If you missed last weeks snippet, here’s the link: Chapter 5 #14

The Wild Rose Press

Set up: Alan wonders if Michaela has feelings for his brother, Hyatt. He goes about asking her by giving her insight to the way his brother handles his relationships. However, Michaela wants to know Alan’s intentions not Hyatt’s. This is in Michaela’s POV. Alan is speaking first.

***Note: This takes place a few paragraphs later from last week’s snippet, and the snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit. Yes again there is some fancy punctuations. lol  :)


“My brother is fickle and his snoggin’ means no more than a friendly hello.”

“I hate to sound all American here, but what is snogging?” she asked and blinked, forcing herself to concentrate on his words and not how she’d like him to kiss her.

His luscious lips twitched again as he said, “Kissin’, suckin’ face, I believe ye Yanks call it.”

“You’re trying to warn me Hyatt’s a player,” she said and cleared her throat, hoping he didn’t possess the ability to read minds, too.

“He loves the beautiful lassies, but he never commits to one.”

“I’ve known Hyatt’s type before and believe me I didn’t mistake his flirting for anything other than his friendly way of saying hello, but I appreciate the warning.” Sitting back in her seat, her gaze wavered over his strong bold features, beautiful eyes, and man oh man, he had a killer body that the sweater and jeans did nothing to hide.“Do you have a special woman in your life or are you more like your brother than you let on?”


 Oh, I think she doesn’t care about Hyatt and his commitments or rather lack of them… As for Alan… Is he a player or not? :)

Like always thanks so much for stopping by.  I would love to know what you thought of the snippet.

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SOUL TAKER is up for Best Paranormal! Voting begins tomorrow for this category! If you have time, I would so appreciate your support! Also Soul Taker is FREE at Amazon March 30-April 3. Pick up a copy or gift it for a friend!

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2014 RONE Awards Week Three (March 24 – 30, 2014) Historical: Post Medieval, Historical: Medieval, Mystery

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(The voting can also be found under the “Fun Stuff” tab on the homepage of the InD’tale website.)


At the end of the six weeks, the books with the highest number of votes will become finalists and proceed to the professional judging round which will determine the RONÉ Award winner of “Best Indie or Small Published book of 2013.”  The awards will be presented at the gala RONÉ awards ceremony and event July 11th at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.  in conjunction with the huge RNConvention.

32 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: Snoggin’ with no commitments…Magic of the Loch @KMNbooks @WildRosePress #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday”

  1. Sounds like Michaela isn’t interested in a commitment either, so she and Hyatt would like each other. I love her dialogue and she kinda reminds me of my heroine, Cammy. 😀

  2. LOVE this snippet! Since Alan is warning her about Hyatt, maybe he isn’t like his brother … or maybe Michaela wants him, regardless! I enjoyed the dialogue between these two.

  3. Good luck with the Roan voting. I picked up a copy of Soul Taker. Thanks! And of course, I loved Magic of the Loch…but you already know that. 🙂

  4. I had to explain ‘snogging’ to someone a little while ago. Not everyone reads a lot of Brit Lit, I guess. 🙂

    I like how she turns around his attempts to fish for information, even if she’s distracted by the fit of his sweater.

    1. Caitlin,
      I watch a lot of BBC shows and I have a Brit friend so I sometimes forget some may not know the lingo. lol So figure I’d do a little explaining as I went. 🙂 Yep, Michaela is distracted… Who wouldn’t be? lol

  5. Love the snippet and the attraction between these two. I didn’t know what snogging was either.

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