O is for Omens

This is the 15th day of the A to Z Challenge.

O is for Omens

Do you really believe a four-leaf clover will bring you luck? Or if you see a penny and pick it up, you’ll have good luck?  How many of you have a St. Christopher medal in your car?  Maybe you wear a talisman of some sort or perhaps it is simply a lucky shirt.  Many people believe in charms and their magical properties of luck and protection.  Whatever it may be, you are not alone. Below are a few omens and good luck charms that may or may not be familiar to you.


Never disturb the swallow’s nest. They are wise birds and will take note of your behavior. They will either give you a reprimand, or perhaps if they think you are worthy, grant you a kindness.

If you happen to find a horse’s back tooth, you should carry it with you as long as you live, for you will never want for money.  Remember you have to find it by chance, not by extracting the tooth yourself.  You cannot give it to someone else for the charm will be broken.

If a dog follows you home it is a good omen.

Sparrows are thought to carry the souls of the dead. So it is bad luck if you kill one.

If a bird flies through your house, there will be important news, but if the bird cannot get out, the crowandWolfnews will be death.

Do you visualize a raven when they think of macabre writings of Edgar Allan Poe and his preoccupation with omens of death? It was unlucky in Wales to have a crow cross your path. However, if two crows crossed your path, the luck was reversed. “Two crows I see, good luck to me”.

Greeks thought dogs could foresee evil. If you have your new-born baby licked by a dog, your baby will be a quick healer.

Howling dogs mean the wind god has summoned death, and the spirits of the dead will be taken.

If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it.


If there is a butterfly in your room, it means great pleasure and success, but you must not catch it, or the luck will change.

A cricket in the house is good luck.  If you kill it, all the other crickets will come into your house and eat your clothes.


Ringing in the ears means news will soon be received. Three sneezes in a row means: a sign for more definite results.

If your palm itches, you will receive money, but if you itch it, your money will never arrive.

If your ear tingles, it means you are being talked about. Some believe if it is the right ear, it is for spite, but if it is the left year it is for love. (Others reverse this omen.) If you think of the person, friend, or acquaintance that is likely to be talking about you, and then mention the name aloud, the tingling will cease if you have guessed the right one.


KNIVES crossed are a bad omen. If a knife or fork or scissors falls to the ground and sticks in the floor you will have a visitor. (Do you think this goes for tile floors?)

If an acorn falls from an oak tree and strikes you, it is a sign that good fortune will be yours.

When you leave cinderellaa party, you should throw a slipper. This will bring you good luck. (Is this why Cinderella marries a prince? lol)

If you have breakfast by candlelight on Christmas morning, you will have good luck.

A horseshoe lost by a horse and found by you with the open end facing your way, is good luck. You must hang the horseshoe over the door with the open end up so the good fortune doesn’t spill out.

If you find a purse made from weasel’s skin, you will never be without money.

At one time salt was a rare commodity and believed to have magical powers. If spilled salt the omen was family problems or death. To ward off this bad luck, one must throw a pinch of salt over the shoulder then all will be well.


A four-leaf clover represents God’s Grace; therefore, good luck.

A white clover is held in high esteem by the Celts of Wales.  It is thought to ward off evil spirits.  

Druids held the four-leaf clover in high regard considering them good luck.


When seeing a shooting star if you make a wish it will come true. (Hmm, hasn’t so far. Lol)

If a flame of candle flickers and turns blue, there is a spirit in the room.

A chill up your spine means someone in the future is walking on your grave.

A person born on Halloween will have the gift of communicating with the dead.

“Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for its living;
But a child that’s born on the Sabbath-day
Is handsome and wise and loving and gay.”

Which birthday omen is yours? Do you have any omens to share?

Print:Barnes and Noble
E-book: Amazon

In my historical time travel, A TWIST OF FATE, a fortuneteller interprets her vision. She has seen Arianna’s death, but she also predicts Arianna will travel back in time where her true path awaits, and where she will find true happiness.  Is this good omen or bad omen? lol

P.E.A.R.L Finalist for Best Time Travel 2008


Has a twist of fate sent her back in time? This is a question which plagues Arianna Ward when she wakes up to find her memory in fragments, like a long forgotten dream.

Everyone claims her name is Annabelle. The year is 1814 and she’s married to Captain Keldon Buchanan, a man who despises her. The more she learns about her life, the more she realizes why she’s chosen to forget it. She’s a liar and an adulteress. She doesn’t understand why she wanted to destroy her marriage when her heart tells her she belongs with Keldon.

Keldon harbors his own secrets. He’s the Highland Pirate and secrecy is the difference between life and death. He doesn’t trust his wife, but he finds his heart softening to the woman his wife has become. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear he’s married to another woman and he’s fallen in love with her.

Thank you so much for visiting. Come by tomorrow for P is for Paranormal. Here’s the list to the other A to Z Challenge participants. Have fun hopping!!

***Free Photos from Desktop Nexus

2 thoughts on “O is for Omens”

  1. Some of these sound creepy! I am a trained scientist but I am still aware of these omens/superstitions!
    PS> thanks for vissiting my blog back in the days of A.

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