We enjoyed a day in the sun at a Rodeo held in San Juan Capistrano at the Rancho Mission Riding Park. So much fun. In my tale Rodeo Blues, Tye Casper aka The Ghost Rider is a top notch bull rider. 8 seconds can seem like an eternity as the bull tries to unseat the rider. Take a gander at the video
below and see what I mean. Amazing what these riders endure for the win.
Rodeo video links of the highlights. Just click on the link. May take a moment to load depending on your computer. 🙂
Bull Riding: IMG_0965
Bareback Riding: IMG_0915
Saddle Broc Riding: IMG_0946
Steer Wrestling: IMG_0933
Copyright © 2015 by Karen Michelle Nutt
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All rights reserved under U.S. and International copyright law. This photo/video is licensed may not be copied, scanned, digitally reproduced, or printed for re-sale, may not be uploaded on shareware or free sites, or used in any other manner without the express written permission of the photographer and/or publisher. Thank you