The contest is closed. The winner is Brittany! Congratulations! Thank you everyone for playing along. Loved the jokes. 🙂

What do I love most about Halloween?
Anything paranormal! I’m a big fan. (I bet you couldn’t guess that from my books. Lol) I love the costumes and the chance to be someone else for the night—a vampire, a werewolf, a big scary monster. The list goes on. You can let your imagination soar.
This year the Halloween party I’m attending has a Rock Star theme. I’m dressing up as an obsessed INXS fan. I have my concert INXS T-shirt, backstage passes (designed from photoshop), fan buttons, and I’m going to tattoo (washable kind) a face of the Frontman and a few lyrics from their songs on my arm.
What do you think? Seemed only appropriate to dress up as an obsessed fan, since my new time travel/rock star romance, Two Worlds Collided is now available!
Just for fun…
Funny, Corny and darn right Fangtastic Vampire Jokes
What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
Answer: Frostbite.
What type of dog does Dracula have?
A blood hound.
What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a vampire?
Answer: A fur coat that fangs around your neck.
What does a vampire never order at a restaurant?
Answer: A stake sandwich.
What does a Vampire fear the most?
Answer: Tooth Decay
Where did the vampire open his savings account?
Answer: At a blood bank.
What is a vampire’s favorite holiday?
Answer: Fangsgiving.
Who does Dracula get letters from?
Answer: His fang club.

How does a ghost say goodbye to a vampire?
Answer: So long, sucker!
How are vampires like false teeth?
Answer: They both come out at night.
What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
Answer: A necktarine
What did the three vampires order at the bar?
Answer: Two bloods and a blood light.
Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?
Answer: To improve his bite.
This is not a vampire joke but thought it fitting to add it.
What’s the rock n’ roll skeleton band’s most musical bone?
Answer: The Trom-Bone
Okay, so it was really, really, corny.
**CONTEST: I’m giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky trick or treater!
To be eligible to win, post a Halloween joke and an email where you’d like me to send your treat if you should win.
Also, don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $100 Gift Card.
About Two Worlds Collided:
Evie Reid on a whim agrees to travel back in time to change bad boy Bellamy Lovel’s path of destruction. She’s smart with a college degree, but she is still fan-girl crazy for the rock band, Civilized Heathens. Evie knows despite all Bellamy’s smiles and enthusiasm on the stage, he’s destined to end it all on one lonely night in a hotel room unless she can change his path.
Bellamy isn’t keen on having Evie as his personal assistant, hired by his band mates to watch over him, and keep him on schedule. However, there is something about the woman that sparks his interest, despite his best to ignore her. When darkness threatens to consume him, he realizes she may be the only light that will chase the shadows away.
*Due to language and sexual content (17 years+)
Available at:
Ebook: Amazon / Amazon UK /Smashwords
If you prefer vampire tales…
2016 RONE AWARD RUNNERUP- Book of Excellence Award!
About Flowers and Fangs (PG13)
Derek Hayes and his family are preternatural hunters. Stake and dust is their motto, but Derek has a difficult time accepting his sworn duty when Sloane McBride, his ex-girlfriend from high school, is the one he’s been sent to eliminate. Once infected from a Nosferatu bite, there is no turning back. Sloane has been bitten and she will eventually change.
It proves a race against time when Derek puts aside his core beliefs and teams up with Sloane. The Nosferatu wants Sloane for his own, Derek’s brothers are hunting her, and every second brings Sloane closer to changing into the very fiend they want to kill. Available at: Ebook: Amazon / Amazon UK / iTunes / Smashwords /Nook /Kobo In Print: Amazon / Amazon UK / Barnes and Noble /Createspace
About the Book:
Stake and Dust, (Stake and Dust series, Book I)
A Lamia, a sea creature worthy of John Keats’ prose, teams up with a vampire with serial tendencies. When young promising artists are found dead, the Preternatural Bureau sends Cassandra Hayes to the Hamptons to help a fellow hunter track down this lethal duo. She’s only spoken to Mr. Green once on the phone and when she meets him in person, he is not what she expects. His hunting skills are spot on, but there is something the man is hiding, and she’s determined to find out what it is despite the attraction developing between them.
Tremayne Graystone, a vampire from one of the oldest septs, is not pleased when he finds a dead hunter left on the doorstep of his pub. He should have never answered the hunter’s phone, but someone is trying to frame him and he wants answers. Surely he can masquerade as Mr. Green, the hunter Cassandra is supposed to meet, before she figures out his true identity and stakes him. She’s a Hayes, from a long line of vampire hunters, and fraternizing with the enemy is simply not done, but as they work together and follow the clues, the lines become blurred when he falls for the hunter’s charms.
Available at:
Ebook: Amazon / Amazon UK / iTunes / Smashwords /Nook / Kobo In Print: Amazon / Amazon UK / Barnes and Noble /Createspace
Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win the grand prize!
Hop on over to the other authors’ blogs for more fun and prizes!
Thanks for joining the hop!
I thought the vampire jokes were funny. 🙂 I know the books are good reads as I’ve read some of your works–though I haven’t read one of your vampire novels. Must remedy that shortcoming soon!
Thank goodness for Halloween cause….. all of a sudden, cobwebs in my house are decorations!
I love that idea.
Why wasn’t there any food left after the monster party?’
Cos everyone was a goblin
What do skeletons always order at a restaurant?
Spare ribs!
Great. Love the jokes.
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party?
Answer: He had no-body to dance with!
corozondemono at gmail dot com
lol- loved this one.
Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
Because you can see right through them
What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A nectarine
What do vampires take when they are sick?
Coffin drops
What do you get when you cross a witch with sand?
A sandwich
What do birds say on Halloween?
Twick o tweet
What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?
Thanks for the chance! Happy Halloween!
What is a Werewolf’s favorite holiday? Howloween.
Why did the skeleton go to bed early?
Cause he was bone tired
Why don’t mummies take vacations?
They’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind.
What do mummies like listening to on Halloween?
I don’t know.
Wrap music!
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Boo Who?
Why are you so sad?
penny dot olson at gmail dot com
What’s a haunted chicken?
A poultry-geist.
What is a vampire’s favorite alcoholic drink?
A Bloody Mary!
Q: What songs does Dracula hate?
A: “You Are My Sunshine”
Q. Who are some of the were-wolves cousins?
A. The what-wolves and when-wolves.
Thank you for the chance!
what do you find on a haunted beach?
a sand-witch
which ghost is the best dancer?
the boogie man
What is the most important subject a witch learns in school?
Thanks for the chance. Happy Halloween
What is the safest place to be in a zombie apocalypse?
The living room
Happy Halloween!!!!
I can never remember jokes. But I loved your post! Happy Halloween!
Did you hear about the monster who ate his own house?
He was homesick.
What’s a wolf’s favorite holiday?
Where do baby ghosts go while their parents are working? To dayscare centers.
What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A necktarine! I can’t remember anymore jokes! Happy Halloween!
Why can’t the boy ghost have babies? Because he has a Hallo-weenie.
Your books sound awesome! I added all 3 to my TBR list. Thank you for the participating in the Hop and for the chance to win!
Q: Mommy, why do all the other kids call me a werewolf?
A: Well take your friend out of your mouth before you speak!
Where do ghost babies stay while their parents are at work? The Dayscare Center.
Wonderful jokes! Loved them!
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. We went on a ghost tour. Interesting, I must say.
Now it is time to choose a winner. Drum roll please… and the winner is Brittany! Congrats!
Thanks so much! 🙂
You are ver welcome. 🙂 Don’t forget to look for an email from Amazon to collect your $10 Amazon gift card. Enjoy!