Snippet Sunday: Magic of the Loch Chap. 2 #10 @WildRosePress #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday

Hello Readers!

Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. Today’s snippet is a couple of paragraphs later from last week.

If you missed last weeks snippet, here’s the link:Chapter 2 #9, Alan’s POV.

The Wild Rose Press

***Note: Snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit.

Set up for the scene: Michaela agrees to let Alan and Hyatt give her a tour of the loch so she can search for the legendary Loch Ness Monster. As Hyatt and Michaela conversed, Alan realizes Michaela is not feeling well. He’s slows the boat to a stop, asking Hyatt to take over. Alan uses his ‘magic hands’ to ease her headache and offers her a bottle of water, insisting she drink. Alan gives Michaela the ‘well’ water and Hyatt voices his concern.

Now for the snippet: (Alan’s POV) 


It was about time Hyatt knew what it felt like. Night after night, he lay awake worried about what trouble his brother would manage to wreck upon the village. Alan didn’t meet his brother’s gaze but glanced at Michaela. The human race was so fragile. Healthy and free one moment until death began to rear its ugly head, threatening to take it all away. It wasn’t much, but he would grant Michaela a reprieve from her troubles for at least today.

“Where are we going?” Michaela asked as she sipped from the water bottle and looked over the
edge of the boat.

“This is where most sightin’s have taken place.”


Nice of Alan to show Michaela where the Loch Ness Monster likes to swim. lol

Find out next week with more of Alan’s POV.Like always thanks so much for stopping by.  I would love to know what you thought of the snippet. :)If you’re a writer (regardless of published/unpublished status) come join us and share a snippet of your work in progress, a new release, or an oldie but goodie.

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30 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: Magic of the Loch Chap. 2 #10 @WildRosePress #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I love this story! And I love that, despite his misgivings, he’s giving her the well water. He’s a good, um, manster. 🙂

  2. I love Alan’s inner monologue. It reminds me a bit of a famous High Holidays prayer called U’Netaneh Tokey, in the section talking about how fragile humanity is and that ultimately we’re no more lasting than the dust that withers, a broken potsherd, or the dream that flies away.

  3. Another great peak at these three. so i wonder what happens when they get there? I downloaded and can’t wait to read it. Love the new layout for WWW by the way. Easy to find your snippet!

    (No post for me this week, but I still have to check out a few of my favorites.)

  4. Civilization just barely masks our fears, that’s the truth… how frail, but also resilient humans are. I like how your characters are exploring not only a legendary monster, but learning more about human nature in the process… great snippet – it leaves me wanting more!

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