Snippet Sunday: Magic of the Loch (The Legend #10)

It’s Snippet Sunday and this is another snippet from Magic of the Loch.  This is the legend and how it all began… Snippet #10.

The Wild Rose Press


Michaela Grant travels to Scotland for a holiday, knowing this vacation is her last. A medical condition threatens her life and any chance of a future—until she meets Alan MacLachlin, a man forced to exist between two worlds.

Alan is the legendary Loch Ness Monster. Once every fifty years he returns to human form in search of his soul mate, the one woman who can break his curse. He believes he has found forever with Michaela, but to claim it he must figure out how to save her life.

Michaela and Alan vow to take what time has to offer, but another threat looms. A sinister shape shifter with a vendetta against Alan is making Loch Ness his personal hunting ground. Now he’s threatening Michaela. Alan must discover who the shifter is and stop him before it’s too late.

The UPDATE: This takes place a few paragraphs from last week’s snippet #9. The water spirits have flooded the valley and Druid Daly arrives to confront the person responsible for allowing the spirits to escape. Gordana faces Druid Daly explaining she feared for her son’s safety and forgot to replace the lid on the well, allowing the water spirits to break free. Druid Daly was not pleased with her response. Ronson (one of the clan who is only worried about himself)doesn’t want to be blamed and argues with Druid Daly, wanting him to return their valley to the way it once stood. The druid refuses.

Now for the snippet: (revised for the Snippet Sunday.)


“Ye will have to make a new home and rely on yer own resources to find fresh water to drink. Ye will live yer life as other humans do,” Druid Daly said, ignoring the gasps and sobs.

Gordana drew her child closer against her. “I know I must pay for my sins, but I beg of ye to spare my child. He is young and has no’ learned the ways of the world.”

“The boy will be spared. However, Gordana, ye will pay for yer sins. The well still needs to be guarded.”


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42 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: Magic of the Loch (The Legend #10)”

  1. You’ve conjured up a lot of sympathy for Gordana, (great name!) and the dialect is just perfect. Looking forward to the next instalment.

  2. Druid Daly sounds rather harsh. But I’m glad he won’t make her son suffer. As others have said, I want to find out her punishment and hope it won’t be too harsh 😉

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