Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is a snippet from Soul Taker.
If you missed the last weeks snippet, here’s the link. Chapter 1 #10
Set up:
Sanya has been staked, but vampires don’t perish from such a wound. They are only paralyzed, but can still communicate. Garran just asked Sanya to spy on the ‘Soul Taker’.
This snippet takes place a few sentences later from last week’s snippet.
***Note: The snippet has been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit. Warning: There may be some fancy punctuations and long sentences.
“I can do that.” Really, was she in any position to say otherwise?
“Oh, come on Garran, you don’t actually believe her,” Harrison Connell spoke up.
“Why don’t you keep quiet, Irish dog,” Sanya hissed.
“You will mind yer manners, Sanya,” Garran told her. “Let me warn ye if ye double cross me, havin’ a stake through yer heart will seem like a holiday.”
“I wouldn’t double cross you.”
He pulled out the stake and she inhaled, the pain causing her to grip his arms.
Sanya was set free. Hopefully, she’ll keep her word and report back to Garran about the Soul Taker’s next moves.
Thanks for stopping by!
Last day for votes…
Soul Taker book cover is up for Best Book Cover at Lolly Tova’s. If you have a second, I sure would love your vote. http://www.lollytova.com/augusts-cover-love-poll/
Thanks so much!!
Stop by next week for snippet #12 from my Urban Fantasy tale, SOUL TAKER.
If you’re interested in knowing more about SOUL TAKER, here’s a blurb:
No soul is safe…
If you’re a writer (regardless of published/unpublished status) come join us and share a snippet of your work in progress, a new release, or an oldie but goodie.
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Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
Sanya should definitely keep her word. I can only imagine what Garran would do otherwise. Love the dialect in the dialogue. Perfect snippet! 😀
Your imagination would be correct. 🙂 Thank you for the compliment! 🙂
I finished this midweek. Loved it. Haven’t had time to post a review on Amazon and GR but I will. 😀
Thank you so much!! I’m thrilled you loved the story. Thank you for letting me know. 🙂
Excellent tension, Karen. I really liked “…Irish dog.” lol. Sanya scares me! Good 8 🙂
I’m glad you’re enjoying the banter. 🙂
Hmm, it’ll be interesting to see if she holds up her end of the bargain.
We shall see. 🙂
Maybe they should have discussed their relative definitions of “double-cross” before he unstaked her? 🙂
Great as always, Karen!
Sarah W,
Lol- Just so Sayna understands the meaning.
Words are all great and wonderful, but actions speak louder. Great snippet, Karen. 😀
Thank you, Siobhan. 🙂
I think Garran’s threat is something to be taken seriously 🙂
Hmmm…this whole exchange had me wondering how it feels to Sanya to have a stake through her. You mention pain right at the end, but was that only when he withdrew the stake or was it present throughout? If so, a reference or two along the way would be a good reminder. As it stands, throughout the dialogue I got the impression that it was not painful but more inconvenient, like being held in a straitjacket.
You are correct. It’s more like an inconvenience than anything else. I’m glad you were intrigued enough to wonder. 🙂
I’m still rooting for her to form a rebellion and overthrow Garran. (But then, I’m strange. LOL) Great snippet!
You had me chuckling. I love strange. 🙂
Oucj, i’m feeling the pain with her! I think she better be very careful what she does next…intriguing story and great excerpt!
Glad you were intrigued by the snippet. 🙂
I suspect she’s going to be a reluctant ally at best.
Sue Ann,
She might be, but it beats being staked. lol
Karen, you are terrific with dialect and dialogue. excellent eight.
Thank you so much for the compliment. 🙂
Nice snippet. Wondering why Garran won’t trust her? I guess I need to read it.
Juneta at Writer’s Gambit
Oh, I voted for your cover. It was the best one. Nice Job. You had competition too, but I liked it best.
Thank you so much!! You’re so sweet!
lol– I would love that you would. The snippets are all a grand ploy to get you hooked. 🙂
yeah, he doesn’t sound like someone you would cross … 🙂
You are so right!
I hope Garran isn’t double-crossed – all things considered he’s been pretty decent.
…..very nice…now I want to know is she likely to keep her word or not?
Thanks so much. Glad you’re intrigued.
She would double cross him totally and she should, that’s not a way of treating a girl.
Intense scene. The dialogue is nice & crisp and you’ve created a nice sense of menace.