Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is a snippet from Soul Taker.
If you missed the last weeks snippet, here’s the link. Chapter 1 #13
Set up:
Harrison just asked Garran if the Soul Taker is from his sept as Sanya claimed. Garran is speaking first.
“Aye, he’s from my sept. I knew the killin’s were like a Grim Sith’s. He’s livin’ off the person’s essence—their soul. However, he’s leavin’ just enough to keep the body alive. For a while, it will throw off the authorities,” he said and sighed in frustration. “Centuries ago, the Bobhan Sith, the females of our sept, used to cover their tracks by rippin’ the victim to shreds in hopes the villagers would think they were attacked by a wild animal.”
“How lovely?”
“Hmm… Aye, doesn’t work so well in the city,” Garran said thoughtfully, recognizing Harrison’s sarcasm for what it was.
You probably wouldn’t want to cross paths with a Bobhan Sith.
Thanks for stopping by!
Stop by next week for snippet #15 from my Urban Fantasy tale, SOUL TAKER.
If you’re interested in knowing more about SOUL TAKER, here’s a blurb:
No soul is safe…
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Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
um, yeah, quite lovely… brrr!!!
great snippet!!
Great snippet–lots of tension there.
Don’t want to meet the ladies of the Bobhan Sith that’s for certain!
I like the details about how they hide their activities from ordinary folk 🙂
🙂 Interesting world you’ve built for this story, Karen. I have to make time to read this. 🙂 Good 8.
Well, the Bobhan Sith certainly had style, that’s for sure!
Wow, an intense world you’ve created for us, but I do like the characters’ tone about it all. Interesting snippet!
Eek, that was pretty powerful. I’m interested to find out more about this vampire story you’ve got going on here! Great work.
Yeah, pretty sure I don’t want to come in contact with one. I like this story line.
I don’t think much of either sex if they’ve gone bad.
Karen, once again I’m quivering in me booties for the next snippet. You’re the one who can do it.
Your dialogue is always so perfect, Karen, and your characters give such good deadpan (no pun intended)!
The last line made me giggle. Great snippet!
I’m still wondering why the cops never thought it was weird for every girl to die the same way.