Snippet Sunday:Trouble around the corner…Soul Taker @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday

Welcome to Snippet Sunday. This is a snippet from Soul Taker.

If you missed the last weeks snippet, here’s the link. :): Chapter 1 #1


E-book: $2.99     Print: $11.66
Word Count: About 95k
E-book Available at:
Print Available at: Amazon  /Barnes and Noble
 Available at Audible

Set up: Sanya spotted the new leader, Garran MacLaurin in the bar, but has no wish to run into him. She’s plot her escape out the back…

***Note: The snippet may or may not have been modified to fit the 8 sentence limit. Warning: There may be some fancy punctuations and long sentences. :)


Once in the alley, she took off at a brisk walk, not wanting to draw attention by shimmering and leaving a preternatural trail. She silently cursed herself for wearing her three-inch stilettos. She should have never bought the darn things, even though they were the perfect shade to go with her slinky red dress. She looked good in red. It flattered her long dark hair and strong Spanish features. Men drooled to be near her and it had nothing to do with her vampire allure. However, these beautiful shoes weren’t meant for an evening jog.

She had a good thing going in Boston and she wasn’t going to be run out of town just because it was time to switch leaderships again.


Who can run in three-inch stilettos? I’d probably break my neck just trying to walk in them. lol

If you’re wondering why Sanya fears she’ll be run out of town, stop by next week for snippet #3 from my Urban Fantasy tale, SOUL TAKER.

If you’re interested here’s a blurb for SOUL TAKER:

No soul is safe…
A vampire from the Grim Sith sept is sucking the souls out of young women from the Boston area, but this sinister crime is far worse than a vampire seeking substance. He’s selling the souls to the highest bidder and it seems business is booming.
A vampire, a werewolf, and a Necromancer are a most unlikely team, but Garran, Harrison, and Isabella plan on putting a kink in the dubbed Soul Taker’s plans. It’s personal now. One of their friends has fallen victim to the Soul Taker’s charms, but to stop him from hurting anyone else, their efforts may involve raising the dead.


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35 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday:Trouble around the corner…Soul Taker @KMNbooks @RebeccaJVickery #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday”

  1. I missed you last week, so went back to read that snippet. The story blurb sounds great, and I’m wondering if she’s going to need to start running in those heels…

  2. I want a like button for Sarah W’s post! LOL Great snippet, and thank you! I always hated those crime shows on TV that had a female detective chasing bad guys in stiletto heels.

  3. It’s not the running that’s hard, it’s the landing and the stopping in those stilts that’s the real challenge. Great snippet, Karen. 🙂

  4. Yikes, I think I would fall over in 3″ stilettos; glad to hear I am not the only one who has difficulty with them, lol.

    She’s a vain woman. Wondering if she is going to manage a clean getaway?

  5. Love the description of the shoes and how she looks good in red. And the last line makes me wonder what will happen next.

  6. Good snippet, Karen–I hope you can incorporate some of these comments into a sequel. 🙂 Botanist–what a hoot! Too funny–and your answer was priceless. 😉

  7. I can’t even walk in regular heels, and only have a few pairs of slight wedge heels. It’s probably for the best, given the metal hardware and limp in my right leg.

    I also like how she’s dressed so alluringly, yet doesn’t want to draw attention to herself.

  8. Would it not be practical to slip off the heels and carry them?
    Then she could either run or jog.
    Or is the probability of destroying her hose a determining factor?

      1. Karen,
        I’ve got similar scene in my WIP in which the heroine does just that. Slips out of her heels (not 3 inch though) and chases someone down a sidewalk and into an alley.
        One of my beta readers questioned the likely hood of a woman actually doing that.

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