Spring Sale Starts March 15 – April 15. What’s your Reading pleasure? @KMNbooks

Visit our websites: PbRJV and VTP

Purchase your eBook copies at:

VTP: Smashwords /Amazon

PbRJV: Smashword  / Amazon

Spring Sale March 15-April 15

What are you waiting for? It’s time to feed those eReaders.

Purchase your eBook copies at:

VTP: Smashwords /Amazon

PbRJV: Smashword  / Amazon

AUTHORS’ links to Amazon US

Celia Yeary  

Gerald Costlow 

Linda Swift

Nan O’Berry

Rebecca J. Vickery

Vicki Crum

Molly Dillon

Bert Goolsby

Paula Martin

Karen Michelle Nutt

Cecilia Corona