This is the 20th day of the A to Z Challenge.
T is for Time Travel
H.G. Wells lived in a time where thoughts of traveling to the moon were nothing but a fantasy, but he held fast to the belief that we would one day accomplish the feat. He also envisioned that we would accomplish a way to travel through time. Could he have been onto something?
In truth, we are all time travelers now. Time is the rate of change and we are constantly changing. We measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, and years. However, time doesn’t flow at the same rate. In our world time is relative. We live in the three spatial dimensions of length, width, and depth, while time is the fourth dimension. Time cannot exist without space. So space obviously cannot exist without time. Right? The two exist as one in the ‘space-time continuum’. Does anyone remember ‘Back to the Future’? Everything that happens to you, every life event, every moment, involves both time and space.
Einstein’s theory of relativity has proven time travel to the future is possible, but how about the past? Did you know when you glance at the night sky and see the Milky Way we’re looking at a width of 100,000 light-years wide? The distant stars’ light takes thousands upon thousands of years to reach Earth. So when we gaze upon this light, we are actually looking back in time.
If it were possible, would you want to time travel to the future or to the past?
List of My Time Travel Tales:
Creighton Manor (1870 Natchez)
A Twist of Fate (1814 N.Carolina/New Orleans)
At the Stroke of Midnight (1970 Hollywood)
Lost in the Mist of Time (16th Century Ireland)
Heart of a Warrior (Travel the Isle of Skye in the fantasy short story)
Storm Riders (1800s Western Steam Punk Adventure)
Books available at: Amazon and other online bookstores.
I’d prefer to cheat and travel in a Tardis so I could go both forwards and backwards in time.
Ah, a Dr. Who fan. Not a bad way to travel. lol
Wow, Karen, that’s a tough one! Since I love history, I think I’d like to travel into the past to witness historical events and get a feel for the period, but it would also be fun to travel to the future to see where we’ll eventually end up and see all the cool future gadgets and developments.
I’m with you. I would be interested in traveling to the past and a visit to the future would be intriguing, too. 🙂
I know if it was the past, I would want to make sure I had a ticket back home. lol I like my conveniences too much.
Karen, I travel 6 hours into the future every time I Skype or talk to my daughter in Germany, since there is a 6 hour time difference. lol! Makes you think, doesn’t it?
Yep, it sure does make you think. Great example. 🙂
From a curiosity standpoint, I would love a peak into the distant future. I can’t imagine this not to be a bit overwhelming, and certainly tempting to use knowledge of the future somehow. A trip to the past would at least come with some pre-known framework, so probably a lot more fun. Tough one.
I know I can’t decide either– future? or Past? Thanks so much for stopping by.