Tarot Reading… Stop, Start, Continue… @KMNbooks

blondtarotMy Tarot Reading from Brigit Aine at Paranormal Monday Yahoo Group

1 – Stop – Knave of Pentacles – You are trying to juggle too many things. Slow down, and remember that you are only one woman. You’ve been doing them all, but it is matter of doing lots of things on the surface or doing less things with more meaning.

2 – Start – 2 of Chalices Letting others in and focusing on making relationships healthy and whole and working. Take the time out of all that juggling to go on a date…to meet a friend for coffee and focus just on that time…to let others help you become who you want to be.

3 – Continue – 8 of Chalices – on the road you are on. This is a card that says you are working on letting somethings go, on moving on from them, continue to do so, it is a good place for you to be.

You are trying to do too many things, and while you are getting them all done, you aren’t getting the satisfaction out of them or doing them to the ability you know you can do. You need to let a few go and focus on the ones that are most important to you. While you are doing that letting go, let other people help you. Maybe one of the things you’ve been doing on the surface is your relationships. This is one of the areas to focus on and remember to spend time developing those healthy parts of being with someone, even in friendship. And with, that letting go, it seems you have already started on one of them, maybe a big one, keep going. It is something that needs to be behind you, even if you are the one to move to let it go.

Hope this helps. You have a great New Year ahead of you with lessening of tasks, renewal of relationships and taking something off the plate that shouldn’t there.

Brigit Aine
Co-Owner JAPM



Thanks so much for the reading. Definitely something I need to work on for the New Year. I do tend to take on too much. Sometimes, I need to be reminded to sit back and relax. 🙂 Thanks again, and May 2015 bring you much joy and happiness!
