- acidic – very sour
- astringent – the taste is strong and bitter
- bitter – a strong sharp taste that is not sweet
- bitter-sweet – tasting bitter and sweet at the same time
- brackish – has a slight taste of salt and is therefore not pure
- hot – contains a lot of spices that create a burning feeling in your mouth
Two mouth-watering delicious homemade burger. - juicy- mouth watering good, flavor drips into your mouth in every bite, succulent
- mature – has been left to develop a pleasant but strong flavor
- mild – does not have a strong taste
- ripe – has a strong flavorrobust – has a lot of
- robust – has a lot of flavor
- savoury – tasting of salt or spices and is not sweet
- seasoned – containing seasonings to improve flavour
- sharp – has a strong and bitter flavor
- smoky– Smoky describes foods that taste of smoked wood.
- sour – with a taste like a lemon
- spicy – has a strong hot flavor
- sweet-and-sour – contains both sweet and sour flavors
- syrupy – thick, sweet, and sticky
- tart – a slightly sour taste
- unsalted – not flavored with salt
- watery – not a strong taste
Texture is the way a food feels when you touch it or eat it.

Creamy foods are smooth, soft and thick. While they are often made with milk or cream, they don’t need to be.
Avocados, ice cream, yogurt, pudding. peanut butter…

A freshly made rhubarb crumble and custard
Crumbly describes food that falls apart into small pieces when you eat or break it.
Crunchy foods have a hard texture and make a loud sound when chewed.
Potato chips, nuts, carrots…
Greasy foods taste very much of oil, and usually leave oil behind.
French fries, fried chicken, pizza

Gooey describes foods that are wet and sticky, often in a positive way
Brownies out of the oven

Moist describes foods that are slightly wet and soft.
Cake, breads…
Mushy also describes foods that are soft and wet, but usually it is used for food that is not meant to be soft.
Bananas, food that is rotting….