Is that blood? Two Worlds Collided @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday

www.kmnbooks.comWelcome to Snippet Sunday! I’ve decided to switch it up this week with a WIP called Two Worlds Collided.

This is a time travel tale where an obsessed fan has a chance to save her beloved rock star from ending his life. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll are a cocktail that is neither glamorous nor pretty for rock star, Bellamy Lovel, but in the dark of night when the shadows threaten to consume him, he finds the one shining light that may guide him home.  44k into the story so far. Did a lot of writing this last week.

Remember this is raw, unedited material. 🙂


Now for Chapter One, #2

Los Angeles, 2007


We’re jumping ahead in the chapter to where Kelsey is preparing to send Evie back in time. Kelsey is speaking first.


“Stop looking at me as if I murdered your grandmother, Evie. I picked up the blood at the butcher shop.”

“Tell me again, why do we need blood?” Evie asked, really concerned that Kelsey was suffering from some kind of mental breakdown.

“Time travel requires fresh blood,” she answered. “It’s life, the essence of all living creatures.”

“Well of course blood is needed,” Lisa said and her sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed, then she added, “You do know Time travel is not possible, right?”

“Tell that to my mother who’s serving 10-20 behind bars.

“They arrested her for time traveling?” Lisa asked as she followed Kelsey’s progress of carefully making sure the line of blood remained unbroken, adding more blood if it was.

“Don’t be idiot, Lisa,” Kelsey snapped. “My mother time traveled back in time to kill her no good boyfriend, at the time, before he could beat my sister half to death.”


Kelsey may have proof time travel is possible. Hmm… wonder if Kelsey’s mother meant to get caught?

Possible blurb for Two Worlds Collided:

Evie Reid, on a whim agrees to travel back in time to change bad boy Bellamy Lovel’s path of destruction. She’s smart with a college degree, but she’s still fan girl crazy for the rock band, Civilized Heathens. Evie knows despite all Bellamy’s smiles and enthusiasm on the stage, he’s destined to end it all on one lonely night in a hotel room, unless she can change his path.

Bellamy isn’t keen on having Evie as his personal assistant, hired by his band mates to watch over him, and keep him on schedule. However, there is something about the woman that sparks his interest, despite his best to ignore her. When darkness threatens to consume him, he realizes she may be the only light that will chase the shadows away.

*****If you’re a writer (regardless of published/unpublished status) come join us and share a snippet of your work in progress, a new release, or an oldie but goodie.

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Copyright © 2016 Karen Michelle Nutt







20 thoughts on “Is that blood? Two Worlds Collided @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. Intriguing about the mother. Makes me wonder if Kelsey can go back in time and stop her from killing him but still save her sister. Ah, the eddies in the space-time continuum…

  2. I never thought of time travel as involving blood before! That’s definitely a unique method, however it’s going to be accomplished.

  3. I haven’t done any time traveling of late… but “suspicions” have always followed that for each thing that is changed there are other things that happen to sort of even things out. Wonder if this is why her mother has been locked away?

  4. I love the grandmother line at the beginning! This is turning into a really interesting tale. Kelsey really seems to have a background in this from her mother, but I can’t help but remember that dabbling in time can alter a lot of history. This is going to prove an interesting ride. I’m hooked.

  5. Intriguing backstory that deepens the concept of time travel and makes it seem more believable.

    A story in my recent collection, Future Love, also involves going back in time to save a favorite musician, but in my story it’s Prokofiev rather than a rock star. Of course nothing works out quite as it should. Instead of saving him, the story ends up explaining why Stalin and Prokofiev died within an hour of each other.

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