Yo Ho Ho and Buttered Rum Sundae will be released sometime in the summer of 2022. This is the 2nd tale with Sirena a Jack from Mermaid Cove and Seaside Sundaes.
So, this was Sirena’s mother, Jack thought with curiosity. Sirena had told him all about her, of course. Maori Seafair had been born a Merrow, a purebred, though with her standing there in a flowered skirt, flowing white blouse, and barefooted, she appeared as human as he until he met her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of sea green, not unlike Sirena’s, but they were colder, or perhaps he only thought so since the woman had left her daughter when she’d been young and had needed her mother the most.
“Are you going to introduce me?” her mother asked as her eyes swept over him, but something in those cold depths told him he fell short in her eyes.
“What are you doing here?” Sirena’s voice took on terseness Jack had not heard before.
He gave it his best shot to smooth the awkwardness of this meeting. “I’m Jack O’Casey,” he offered as he came forward to shake Maori’s hand.
She touched his outstretched palm lightly before she let her hand fall to her side.
“I’m Sirena’s mother, as I’m sure you realize.” She glanced briefly at Sirena before meeting his gaze once more. “Maori Seafair. You may call me Mrs. Seafair if you wish. I’ve always enjoyed the name.”
Sirena harrumphed. “You fancied it so much you didn’t stick around to use it. Have you been by to see your husband?”
Hashtags: #8sunday #SnipSun #snippetsunday
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Weekend Writing Warriors
Snippet Sunday Facebook Group

Mermaid Cove and Seaside Sundaes
One selfless act as a teen unfairly caused Sirena Seafair to forfeit her ability to shift into a mermaid.
Fifteen years later, her mundane life is about to change when Jack O’Casey arrives in the Irish town of Grimm Nitch and opens his restaurant, Mermaid Cove. The man is bound and determined to make Sirena his no matter what. But if by chance, Sirena can find a way to reclaim her life as a mermaid, will she leave Jack and her human life behind in exchange for a life beneath the sea? Or will surrendering her heart to love be the magic she’s been waiting for all along?
Available in eBook, Print, and audio format.

Good to see you! Hope all is well. I think I could hear that tension sizzling! Maori’s husband–Sirena’s dad? If so, that was really a burn, the way she referred to him as her mom’s husband.
Thank you. Good to be back. 🙂 I’ve been well but busy. In a good way. I’m glad you enjoyed the snippet. Yes, Maori’s husband is Sirena’s dad. It was meant to burn. 🙂 Glad you caught the sizzle. lol
Oh, very tense situation. I wonder about her reply.
I’m glad you could feel the tension. Perfect.
Interesting family dynamics here.
It is indeed.
A lot of tension in this snippet. The elder Ms. Seafair seems quite formidable. Tweeted.
She definitely is. Thanks for tweeting.
Ouch! Lots of mother-daughter tension here.
Oh, definitely some past problems between mother and daughter. Intriguing snippet.