Z is for Zombies
Frankly, there is nothing lovable about zombies. Zombies are dead people! They’re bluish-pale colored and vein-y, and their bodies leak bodily fluids from all their orifices. I can only imagine how they smell—but my gag reflex would most likely work overtime. If this isn’t bad enough, these animated corpses want to consume living flesh! You, your love one, and even your pets are not safe from these guys.
So what’s the hype about these creatures? Why are there so many books, TV shows, and movies about these smelly walking dead?
Maybe it’s because people are fascinated with being scared, and believe me, being devoured by a zombie is a frightening prospect. Or maybe people are drawn to the zombie fad because of the fight to survive the worst scenario possible. Maybe it’s because everyone is waiting to see what disgusting thing the Zombie will do now.

For me, the fascination is how the living survived the zombie apocalypse. The best and worse of each person are revealed. How someone you may have never thought of as a hero or heroine, steps up and becomes one, and of course, he or she wins the guy or girl’s heart—and not literally. lol (Can’t help it, I’m a romantic.) In all the blood and gore, love has to survive. Right?
Now I’ve always thought of Zombies as these hideous being you must run away from, but in the movie, Warm Bodies, the zombie is the leading man. I know my first response was yuck-y! But as I watched the story unfold, I couldn’t help but fall for the zombie and hope he won the girl in the end. I haven’t read any books where the zombie could think and function, so I rather enjoyed this romantic comedy.
How do you like your zombies? Stinking flesh willing to eat your brains, or romantic leading men (who still want to eat your brains) but are redeemable if they meet the right gal?
In my WIP, Smoke and Mirrors, the animated corpses play a huge role in the story, but their agenda isn’t munching on brains. Someone is controlling them and they have a whole other agenda.
This is another story involving Garran, Harrison, and Isabella from SOUL TAKER. When the dead don’t stay dead, the trio sent out to find the Jinn responsible for playing puppet master.
I didn’t have to survive a Zombie apocalypse, but I did survive the A to Z challenge! This is the final post for this challenge. YIPEE! I made it! Thanks to all those who came by to read the posts, and a special thanks to all that commented! Much appreciated!
Don’t forget to hop to the other blogs for their last post of the month.
Participant list: A to Z Challenge
I am probably one of the only people out there who hasn’t bought into the whole zombie craze! I’m really rather old school, give me a good vampire, ghost or werewolf anyday!
Enjoyed meeting you this challenge and I appreciate all your visits and comments. Congrats on finishing and I will definitely be back again.
It was nice meeting you too. 🙂
Hey there,
I just wanted to let you know I ordered two of your books on Amazon to take with me on vacation at the end of May Bill and I are going to the Bahamas and I need some beach reading. I got your fallen angel (2 book) series. I can’t wait to read them!!
Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the stories. 🙂 Have fun on your holiday!